{ eleven }

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A week later was when Clarke had the courage to call Finn. Octavia had to drag herself out of her room and Bellamy had to be dragged out of his by Clarke.

"Why is that a stranger on our living room?" Bellamy asked, looking at Finn who smiled. "Wait, I know you!"

"Bellamy, Octavia, this is Finn." Clarke said as Octavia threw herself to the couch. She was wrapped around a blanket just like Bellamy.

"You came here to give us a lecture?" Octavia asked and Finn smiled.

"No. Clarke asked me to come because today is my last day here in Mahone Bay before I go back to Toronto, and she thought we could talk a little."

"Okay. Let's talk." Bellamy said as he sat on a chair. Clarke sat on his lap and he wrapped the blanket around her too.

"For starters, I'm terrible sorry about your losses." Finn said, sitting next to Octavia. "And before you say that I'm only saying this because I want to be polite, it's not because of that. I know what's like to lose someone you love." Finn said. "When I was a little boy, I started to fill my grandmother with questions. Where was my mother? And my father? Why was I living with her? And she told me the truth. My father as nowhere to be found and my mom died giving me birth. Obviously I was a little traumatized." He chuckled softly, trying to hid his pain.

"Damn. I'm sorry." Bellamy said low as Clarke played around with his fingers.

"It's okay." Finn lied, smiling. "I grew up, good grades and all that good teenager stuff and eventually my grandmother passed away. I kept having faith in God, because that what she would want. At my mid 20's I met this beautiful woman, who I feel in love, completely. 3 years of dating, I was 24 and we had a baby boy. It was finally all perfect. I had a family and I was happy. Until 2 years ago. I was 26 when it all happened. A plane crash took them away."

"Holy sh—" Octavia said.

"Language." Bellamy warned her and Octavia rolled her eyes.

"What did you do after that?" Clarke asked low.

"I entered several support groups. And they all said the same. Time will make it right. Time fixes it everything." Finn nodded his head. "Soon as I realized that was bullshit, I started my own Group. You know me, Clarke. You've never heard me say that "Time fixes everything" or that "Things will get better", because it's most likely they won't." 

"Damn." Octavia said low.

"I didn't blame God, because he made us and eventually he would have to kill us too. Obviously I was so angry at Him for a while. I was angry at everyone. How could I not be? I had no one. My point is that, having faith that things will get better may not be the best solution." Finn smiled a little.

"Thank you." Bellamy whispered to Clare's ear. She smiled a little before pressing her head against his chest.

"You can't give up, that's a rule. You may have loss people you loved" Finn looked at Octavia, who was almost crying. "But you're still alive. Surrounded by people who still love you and will always love you." He smiled gently as Octavia nodded her head slowly. "Things won't get better, Octavia. Time won't fix a thing, but the people around you may help. If you let them." Finn said calmly before Octavia surround his body with her arms.

After some more time of talking, Finn had to leave and Octavia decided to join him to the airport. She drove him there and waited for his plane to leave. Finn was right and Octavia just needed to embrace it. Pain goes on but so does life. And that's why she took several breaths before she entered a restaurant and she ordered more food than she could eat. Luckily, she was taking some for Bellamy and Clarke.

"Thank you for asking Finn to come here." Bellamy said low as he put Clarke's hair behind her ear.

"You welcome. We all needed to hear that." Clarke smiled gently, pressing her forehead against his. "I'm thinking of calling my dad. To do what you said."

"To try to at least meet your mom?" Bellamy asked low, a little surprised. That little talk, really changed Clarke's point of view. But so did Bellamy.

"Yes. She left me and there's no turning back on that but maybe hearing what she has to say isn't bad at all. You suggested me to meet her and after Finn's talk, I think I'll do it." Clarke said low and Bellamy smiled gently.

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart." Bellamy said low as he pressed his lips against her forehead.

"You make me a better person, Bellamy. You really do." She admitted low as she dials her dad's number.

"Clarke?" Her dad asked from the other line and Clarke smiled a little but she chuckled when she was trying to talk but Bellamy wouldn't stop filling her face with kisses.

"Hey, dad." She chuckled a little. "I want to meet mom. Tomorrow, at lunch. And she brings the wine." Clarke said determined but smiling because of Bellamy.

"Thank you, Clarke. Thank you." Her dad said happily before he hanged out the call.

"Stop." Clarke giggled to Bellamy as she tried to leave his lap but she was surrounded by his arms and a blanket.

"I love you." Bellamy said low, looking at her eyes. It took a while for Clarke to processed those words but when she did, tears were growing up on her eyes. 

Clarke stood quiet, but she pressed her lips against Bellamy, for the first time in years and he realized what she meant.

"I love you too." She whispered against his lips, as he moves them to kiss her forehead.

Sadness was part of them now, but as long as they knew, they could be happy together. Including Octavia.

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