{ fifteen }

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"Well, there's actually something I can do." Bellamy said looking at her.

"What?" Clarke asked slightly confused.

"I could ask you to go on a date with me and we could talk about everything. Past, present and future." He looked at her eyes and she nodded her head, smiling like a dork.

"Are you asking me on a date? We never went on a date." Clarke chuckled.

"We used to hang out all the time!" He laughed pulling her closer.

"Hang out and going on a date are two very different things." She nodded her head, pulling him closer. "I'm sorry I shut you down."

"I'm sorry I was an asshole" He said low.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite asshole"

"Is there any other on your life?" He teased her and she hit his arm playfully.

"Idiot." She mumbled before letting go of him, pretending to be mad.

He laughed and he grabbed her by her waist and threw her to the bed carefully. She giggled and pulled him down so he would be on top of her.

"Always were a bottom, huh?" He teased her and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Don't push it, Blake." She teased him as he leaned down to kiss her.

From the kisses they quickly moved on to another type of fun. Thank God Octavia wasn't listening.

"So, about the date..." Bellamy chuckled pulling Clarke to his naked chest.

"Really? What am I gonna say? No?" She laughed and crossed their fingers together.

"You could say whatever you want" He mumbled kissing her neck carefully.

"Octavia is home, Bell. We should be glad that she didn't hear us, the first time." Clarke laughed, kissing his jaw.


"What?" Clarke asked Bellamy, seeing his humor change in a fraction of seconds.

"You know that thing about the third love being your last?" He looked at her and she nodded carefully. "You weren't my third love. You were my first." 

"Bell..." She sighed and took a deep breathe. "Let's think differently. You had a girlfriend before you and I started to date. There. First love. You had me but we broke up, then you meet Echo, second love. I came back and I'm not leaving your side so I'm your third and final love." She said and he smiled large looking at her.

"The third is the love we never see coming. It's the love that comes so easy it doesn't seem possible. It's the kind where the connection can't be explained and knocks us off our feet because we never planned for it." He looked at her eyes. "I never thought you would come for me." He said low. "And when we started hanging out, I knew it, Clarke. I knew you and I would be more than friends." He said smiling large and she smiled large, pressing their lips together.

"Don't you dare leaving me, Bellamy Blake."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Clarke Griffin." He smiled large, playing with her hair. "We still going with Octavia to Madi's, Jasper's and my mother's grave?" He asked lower and Clarke nodded a little.

"Yeah." She said low and she closed her eyes for a while. "We need to."

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