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It was almost midnight when Clarke turned on her phone, ready to text Bellamy but he acted first. When Clarke was about to start writing the text, her phone started to ring. It was Bellamy. She let it ring for a few time and once she finally answer, she could hear the relief on his voice.

"Hey." Bellamy said low and sighing.


"How-how are you?" He asked low, as Clarke sat on the couch.

"I'm good. You?"

"Yeah, I—I'm good." Bellamy started. "Octavia gave me Echo's files."

"What? How did she get those?"

"She said she took out of your bag." Bellamy chuckled a little and Clarke smiled gently at the thought of Octavia acting like a detective.

"Well, that's Octavia." 

"I'm sorry, Clarke. I should have believe you. I didn't thought she would be capable of doing anything like this." Bellamy said softly.

"Bellamy, I never meant to hurt you. And I never did or will." She said low, closing her eyes.

"I know, baby. I know." He said softly. "I sent her away as soon as I finished reading all of it for the third time."

"I'm sorry she wasn't who you thought she was."

"It's okay. She's not the girl who I want to marry. Or who I will marry."

"You still want to marry me?" She whispered low.

"I should be asking you that question."

"My answer still stands, no matter what." She said low, since she didn't want to wake up Lincoln.

"Come home, Clarke." Bellamy said sadly.

"I will. I just need a day or two to get my mind fixed."

"I understand. I do. I love you." 

"And I love you." Clarke said low. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Bellamy replied.

"Okay." Clarke said softly, as she hanged up the phone call.

Next morning, Clarke finally accepted what she had to do. For her own sake. Lincoln had gone to work and Clarke had told him that she wouldn't be back that night but luckily, Octavia will. Clarke was now in front of her father's medical office and she stepped in, finding her mother as receptionist.

"Clarke." Abby said, smiling a little. 

Please. Clarke hadn't forgot what Abby said about Bellamy and her.

"I don't need an appointment." Clarke warned her and she walked right away in her dad's office.

"Clarke." He said, a little embarrassed, since he was with a patient.

"I quit." Clarke said, putting the letter on his desk. "That's the letter of resignation."

"W-why?" Her dad looked at her and she smiled a little.

"I'm not your employee. I'm your daughter so I don't work for you. If you want, I work with you but not for you." 

"I waited so long to hear you say that." Her dad said smiling but she nodded her head.

"But I don't want to work for you or with you. This isn't my area. I don't belong to a clinic. I belong to a hospital." She smiled a little.

"There's no hospitals close by, Clarke.."

"I know." She nodded, slow.

Eventually she left and she found herself at her house. Octavia wasn't there but Bellamy was. He was surprised to see her but even more surprised when he heard her words.

"I would like to go back to Toronto and I would want you and Octavia and well, Lincoln, to come with me." She said low. 

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