{ seven }

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Octavia and Jasper arrived later that night but they were too drunk to even notice Clarke was there. But not Bellamy. The first thing he did when he arrived work from home was to go to Clarke's room. He had seen her at the bar. He knew what she was thinking when she saw him with Echo but it wasn't nothing like it looked like.

Bellamy entered quietly her room, knowing that even if it was dark, she wasn't asleep, so he sat on her bed while she closed her eyes and tried to remain quiet.

"I saw you at the bar." Bellamy started. "I know you saw me and Echo and you probably thought I was getting back with her." He said and she didn't reply. "Well I wasn't and I'm not. You went on that date and I called her soon as I realized how much that bugged me." Bellamy sighed and Clarke bite her lip as the tears started to show up on her face. "I called off the wedding. Anyways, I hope you had fun on your date." He sighed and stood up. "And Clarke? I know you're not sleeping because you can't sleep with the light off." He said and he left to his room, while Clarke sat up on her bed and she took several breathes.

"Idiot." She called herself and grumbled low. 

"You're staying?" Bellamy entered her room quickly and Clarke jumped on her bed. 

"You scared me!" She almost screamed, putting her hand on her heart. He was holding their teddy bear and he looked around seeing how much the room was decorated. "I didn't went on a date. I went to get Finn to the airport because he brought my things and Jasper's."

"You're staying." Bellamy looked at her and she nodded softly. "You're staying." Bellamy said again and he was about to cry. 

"I'm staying." She said low and she looked at him before he leaned on her enough to hug her tightly. "I'm not leaving this time."

"Promise me that."

"I promise." She said low.

"Does this mean—"

"You still have a shot, Blake." Clarke smiled a little. "But first, here. Take these. Madi draw those." She gave him some draws of Madi. "There's always a happy family on the draws. There's always her, me and you, Jasper and Octavia."

"You weren't kidding when you said she knew me..." Bellamy said cleaning his tears and she denied with her head.

"She knew who you are and even if her draws aren't the best and even if she never saw you, she was proud of you."

"And I'm proud of you." Bellamy said low and he kissed Clarke's forehead as both of them went through all the Madi stuff that Clarke had brought.

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