{ twenty - eight }

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3 months have passed since they moved from Mahone Bay to Lunenburg. Octavia and Lincoln were dating (finally), Bellamy and Clarke's wedding was almost coming up and after some troubles during these 3 months, Echo was put on a mental institution.

Bellamy's surgery went really great and he was now working at the police station, while Clarke was keeping herself busy with volunteer and Octavia and Lincoln worked together.

Clarke thought of coming back to work on a real hospital but she understood that maybe it wasn't the best option. She was a little afraid of getting close to her patients, too much close, so she decided to do volunteer instead.

Lately, she hasn't been feeling the greatest but she knew what it was. She was scared to say it out loud though, but she decided to tell Bellamy when he came home. She needed him by her side.

Clarke did the lunch for her and Bellamy and did the dinner to the center where she was volunteering. Occasionally she bring food there and they love it, specially now that she was probably making the double size of the food.

"Babe? I'm home." Bellamy said as he entered their house and he smiled, taking his gun out of his pocket, his hat and his tie. "Hmm, smells good." He smiled, walking over her and hugging her waist. "What's the occasion?" He joked.

"I cook everyday!" She laughed, looking at him, pressing their lips together. "I may have some news." She mumbled and he looked at her, loving. "I'm late.."

"Late for what?" He asked confused.

"Really late." She looked at his eyes and Bellamy was still confusing. "And I'm eating a lot. And my breasts are giant-"

"They were always big." Bellamy stated and Clarke agreed. "Wait. You're late for how long?"

"Almost 2 weeks." She bite her lip and Bellamy's mouth widen open. "I still need to do the test."

"Oh god. You could be pregnant. We could be pregnant!" Bellamy said, freaking out in happiness. "Go do the test, now!"

"Fine, I'll go, just calm down, okay?" She laughed softly, kissing him softly.

Clarke walked to the bathroom and she took several breathes. She could hear Bellamy walking from one side of the room to the another side of the room downstairs and that was making her even more nervous.

She was scared that she wasn't pregnant but she was also scared that she was. Moments after, she did the test and she waited as much as she could, she was almost able to throw it away just to not see the result but she looked and oh well.

"Bellamy!" Clarke screamed and Bellamy run into the bathroom.

"What? What's going on?" Bellamy asked scared.

"Bellamy..." She said low, looking at him.

"Clarke." Bellamy said and she started to smile large. "You're pregnant."

"I'm pregnant." She said, nodding her head over and over again. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my-" Bellamy said as he jumped in happiness and he hugged her tight.

"Are you decent?" Octavia asked from downstairs as she walked home with Lincoln.

"Yes!" Bellamy screamed from happiness and Clarke laugh.

"Is he okay?" Lincoln asked laughing and Clarke walked with Bellamy downstairs.

"I'm pregnant!" Bellamy scream laughing. "No, Clarke is pregnant. We're pregnant." He said and everyone laughed.

"I'm going to be an aunt." Octavia said smiling large, with tears on her eyes.

"Yes." Clarke smiled large and she hugged the couple in front of her.

Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln celebrated by eating pizza and drinking juices as they binged into American Horror Story. Clarke was falling asleep slowly and after she did, she was glad.

"So you're pregnant." A voice in her head sounded and she found herself, turning around to see Jasper smiling large. She was dreaming.

"Jasper." Clarke said low as she ran to hug the boy but she couldn't feel him on her arms, sadly. "I'm dreaming."

"Yes, you are." He smiled gently and a woman walked over them with a baby on her arms. Aurora and Madi.

"I never thought I'd be such an happy grandma." Aurora smiled and Clarke nodded slowly, as the tears fell from her face.

"Mommy." Madi said, with some struggle and Clarke smiled, holding her on her arms.

"My baby." Clarke said low, kissing her forehead. "Why am I only seeing you now?" She asked low to Jasper.

"Because now you've reached happiness. Full happiness." Aurora smiled. "And we wanted to ask you, if it's a girl-"

"I'll name her Madi. If it's 2 one will be Madi and the other one Aurora and if it's a boy, it will be Jasper." Clarke said, smiling large. Her heart was hurting like nothing else.

"We've got to go now. Bellamy is waking you up." Jasper smiled. "Just remember who you are, Clarke. You're the sweet doctor." He said and in a matter of seconds, they disappeared from her sight.

Which meant she was awake now.

"Baby, come on, let's get you to bed." Bellamy said smiling and helped her get up.

"It's 4 pm, Bell. Not night time." She chuckled a little, she was still sleepy.

"Yeah, well you're tired."

He helped her get to their room and he lay down next to her as he cuddled her.

"What am I, Bell? As a doctor? Am I a good one, bad one-"

"Baby, I love you. And you're definitely a sweet doctor."



Sorry it took so long, yikes :(

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