{ twelve }

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"Bellamy? Clarke?" Octavia asked when she opened the door. "I'm home!" She shouted and chuckled.

"Damn it." Bellamy laughed as he stood up from Clarke's bed.

"Thank God we were just cuddling." Clarke mumbled smiling large.

"For now." He teased her and she hit his arm playfully.

"We're coming!" Clarke shouted back to warn Octavia.

"I so didn't need to hear that." Octavia mumbled, kidding.

"Not like that, O!" Bellamy laughed as they went downstairs.

"What were you two doing, then?" Octavia frowned a little.

"Watching Grey's Anatomy." Clarke said smiling a little.

"Interesting." Octavia said smiling. "I bought food. A lot of food." She walked over the kitchen and so did Bellamy and Clarke.

"Why?" Bellamy smiled a little, looking at Clarke and then at Octavia.

"Food helps getting through sadness, or any bad feeling." Clarke said as she put up the table.

"Damn right." Octavia said. "And I couldn't decide which one to buy and since I had money I bought a plate of everything." She admitted low. "Was this how it was your life at Toronto? The feeling that you could buy anything because you had money?" Octavia asked Clarke and Clarke shrugged, looking down.

"Not exactly. I didn't spend 1000$ on shoes when I could get the same shoes for 20$." She looked at Octavia.

"I didn't meant to say that you were like those rich bit—" Octavia said.

"Octavia." Bellamy looked at her.

"It's okay." Clarke smiled a little. "Life is easier when you have money, honestly. Sadly now we have good money for bad reasons." Clarke sighed low. "Speaking of money, did you pay the water bill?" She looked at Bellamy, who walked through her, kissing her cheek jokingly.

"I thought that was what Octavia should have paid." Bellamy said and Clarke looked at him, hitting on his chest.

"I was the electrical bill!" Octavia grumbled and Bellamy pretended to cry.

"Tomorrow, you'll get your pretty ass up at 8AM and you will pay the water bill before we loose the hot water." Clarke looked at Bellamy. "I'm going to meet the Landlord tomorrow see if he wants to sell the house."

"Sell this house? Where are we going to live?" Bellamy asked in shocked and Octavia looked at him, hitting on his arm.

"Sell the house to us, idiot. So we don't have to pay income anymore." Octavia said.

"Buying a house is too expensive, Clarke." Bellamy looked at her. 

"Me and Octavia agreed to pay half-half. And plus, this would be our property, Bellamy. Our home." Clarke said softly and Bellamy looked at her, smiling like a dork.

"Puppy eyes alert." Octavia joked and she put the food on the table.

"Shut up." Both Clarke and Bellamy said smiling.

"Did Finn get on his plane?" Clarke asked after a while and Octavia smiled a little, nodding. "My dad and my mom are coming to lunch tomorrow." Clarke said low, swallowing her own breath.

"Oh." Octavia said a little embarrassed. "Do you want me to get something to make you relax?" Octavia joked.

"I'm not doing Weed, Octavia." Clarke laughed and Bellamy frowned.

"Are you?" Bellamy asked Octavia who rolled her eyes.

"No, Bellamy, for Christ Sake." Octavia groaned.

When the lunch was over, Bellamy and Clarke cleaned the kitchen while Octavia went to take a shower. Bellamy was cleaning the dishes and he was teasing Clarke, which made her laugh.

"Stop." Clarke giggled, pushing Bellamy away.

"You meant it?" Bellamy asked low. "What you said?"

"I've said a lot of things today, Bell." She said confused. 

"About the house. To make it our home." Bellamy said smirking a little.

"Why wouldn't I meant it?" She raised an eyebrow and smiled gently.

"You want to have a home with me?" Bellamy asked, putting her hair behind her ear.

"I always had a home with you. You're my home." Clarke whispered and Bellamy smiled large, kissing her forehead.

"And you're mine, Clarke Griffin. And you're mine."


I hope you're all liking the fanfic! I'm loving it honestly because it's actually really related to nowadays problems. The bills, the unexpected deaths, the lack of money, the groups support, the connection between characters, the work/job problems.

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