{ twenty - one }

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Later that day, Clarke and Bellamy were supposedly going out to celebrate their engagement but both of them had another idea in mind.

Someone knocked on the door which made Clarke smile and walk over the the door.

"Why are you in pajamas? You're going out with Bell." Octavia glanced at her as Bellamy walked downstairs, also in pajama. "What's going on?"

"We're going out. And we're going to celebrate. All of us." Bellamy said smiling as Clarke paid the pizza man.

"What?" Octavia asked confused.

"We'll talk out there. In the garden." Clarke smiled gently. "Bring Chewy! Bellamy, get the drinks." Clarke said as she carried the 3 boxes of pizza to outside. 

She set up a towel on the floor and she put the boxes on top of it. Bellamy came with the drinks and Octavia came with Chewy.

"What's this?" Octavia asked smiling large as she sat on the towel. 

"It's a picnic. We decided to celebrate with you. You brought us together. Without you, we wouldn't be here." Clarke smiled large to Octavia who nodded slowly.

"We know you may feel lonely and we don't want that, O. We love you so much." Bellamy smiled as he cut the slices of the pizzas.

"Thank you." Octavia smiled gently.

"And we invited a friend." Clarke said, chuckling.

"Oh no." Octavia's mouth widen open. "Who's he?"

"His name is Lincoln. I met him at the bar." Bellamy nodded his head smiling.

"You met a guy on the bar and you decided he was good for me? You met him on a bar" Octavia raised her eyebrow.

"I was a bartender" Bellamy rolled his eyes.

"My point exactly." Octavia said chuckling and Clarke smiled.

"Anyone home?" A male voice asked and Bellamy stood up.

"In the garden, Lincoln!" Bellamy said loudly but he went over the front door to get Lincoln.

"Is he cute?" Octavia asked Clarke.

"He's very handsome, yes." Clarke smirked and Octavia hit her arm playfully.

"That's not what I asked" Octavia laughed.

"Goodnight, ladies." Lincoln said smiling large and Octavia looked up to him.

"Oh, my, angel." Octavia mumbled smiling large and she nodded her head quickly to snap out of it. "Goodnight."

"I'm Lincoln." He said smiling and he sat on the towel next to Clarke. 

"Lincoln. I'm Octavia." 

"I've heard a lot about you." Lincoln smiled and Octavia blushed a little, putting a slice of pizza in her mouth.

The night went good, they laugh, they played around, ate, drink and Clarke's wish became true. Octavia wasn't so lonely anymore.


hey everyone! i hope you're enjoying and please don't forget to check out my memori and linctavia stories <3

lots of love!!!

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