{ sixteen }

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After visiting the cemetery, Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia were sit at the car, without saying a word. None of them was crying anymore but they were obviously not okay.

"I's going to start raining, soon." Octavia broke the silence as she looked through the window.

"We should go." Clarke said low, closing her eyes for a second. "Wait. What's that?" Clarke asked looking outside.

"It's—" Bellamy tried to talk but Octavia stopped him.

"It's a dog!" Octavia said a little happier. She almost jumped out of the car and she ran to the small dog, who was shaking. 

Octavia only noticed he was shaking when she realized it started to rain. Octavia grabbed him carefully, not even caring if he was dangerous, and she entered the car, quickly.

"Octavia! He could be dangerous or sick! Or both!" Bellamy said worried and Clarke sighed.

"Here." Clarke said, giving her scarf to Octavia, who surrounded the small dog with it.

"Bellamy, please. He's not dangerous, look at him!" Octavia frowned a little. "If I keep him ca—"

"We're not going to keep a strange dog, Octavia." Bellamy said.

"Will you help me take care of him?" Octavia smiled to Clarke who nodded, smiling a little.

"Clarke." Bellamy groaned.

"We will go to the veterinary now, okay? He's cute." Clarke smiled gently. "And Octavia is happy." Clarke said lower and Bellamy nodded watching the smile on Octavia's face.

"We will keep him if you can think of a name for him, where he will be sleeping and what is his breed." Bellamy said, knowing that Octavia would have everything figured it out.

"He'll be called Chewy, he'll be sleeping in my room and he's a "Dogue de Bordeaux", need something else?" Octavia smirked at Bellamy who rolled his eyes playfully and smiled a little.

"Let's go to vet, then." He said as he started to drive.

"You know she would answer you." Clarke said low to Bellamy, as Octavia was busy playing around with Chewy.

"Of course I knew." He said low, taking Clarke's hand on his. "Thank you for coming with me." He said low, kissing her hand.

"Eyes on the road, mister." Clarke chuckled a little but nodded. "Had to be done." She mumbled.

Bellamy nodded and he glared over Octavia, who was radiant as she played with Chewy. Maybe Chewy was going to be something good for their family. 

Bellamy parked his car and they waited a little until it stopped raining, so they could enter the vet. Bellamy made an appointment and when it was their time to go, Octavia asked to be alone, which neither Bellamy or Clarke complained about.

"I think he's going to be Octavia's new best-friend." Clarke chuckled, as she put her head on Bellamy's shoulder.

"He's very cute. For a dog." Bellamy chuckled, kissing her forehead.

"I hope it was a good idea to agree to Octavia on keeping the dog." Clarke smiled a little.

"She would keep it anyway, though. She doesn't care that much about what we think. She's not a child." Bellamy pointed out laughing and Clarke nodded. "I don't think he'll turn out bad, Clarke. I think he'll be those kind of dogs who all they want is eat, sleep and play around or give kisses." Bellamy smiled.

"So he's going to be Octavia 2.0" Clarke laughed. 

"Definitely." Bellamy smiled.

His sister was happy, that's all it matters.

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