{ five }

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At the end of the dinner, Clarke asked to be excused. She said she had to do some stuff. She walked over her bedroom — and jasper's — and she took out her computer. She went on Skype and she waited for Finn to call her.

"Hey." She said quietly when Finn called her on skype and he smiled gently. 

"Hey. You're ready?" He asked and once she nodded, he put the computer on a chair enough to see everyone.

She had to do therapy and when she couldn't go or didn't want to be there in person, she and Finn turned on the Skype and she could assist the meeting.

"Welcome to another reunion. I hope any of you is feeling better today. Even if it's just a bit." He smiled a little and some of the mothers smiled a little.

There were plenty of mothers there and even some fathers. Whoever was there, has lost a kid.

"Why don't we start by saying what changed this week?" Finn asked and a mother started to reply.

As Cora talked, everyone listened carefully and in a supportive way. The door of the room opened and it showed Bellamy which made Clarke sighed a little.

"Bellamy..." She whisper and he sat next to her.

"Octavia told me and I would like to be part of it." He said and she nodded slowly.

"That's very great, Cora. You're doing great." Finn said and he looked over the computer, watching Bellamy. "You must be Bellamy." Finn said smiling a little as Bellamy nodded. "Welcome to the Deep Souls Meeting." He smiled and Bellamy smiled a little.

1 hour later, the meeting ended and Bellamy was relieved he went through that with Clarke. Clarke closed her computer and she looked at Bellamy.

"You didn't have to do this." Clarke said softly as she cleaned her tears.

"I know but it was a good choice for me to do it. It made me understand more about what you are feeling." Bellamy said low. "I told Echo everything and she wasn't that mad, though she asked for a time."

"What is everything" Clarke asked low.

"Everything, Clarke. Even what I said about the fact that if you told me those words..." 

"You shouldn't have." Clarke looked at him.

"She deserved to know." Bellamy said and he stood up. "I hope I can be part of the meetings."

"Yeah, you can." Clarke nodded slowly. 

"I'm going to the grocery shop. Octavia is making me go just to buy her candies." He bounced his head embarrassed and Clarke smiled a little.

Once Bellamy left her room, Octavia and Jasper ran into Clarke's room. They looked like the same 3 teenagers all over again-

"What?" Clarke asked scared.

"What a hell happened?" Octavia asked, sitting on the bed.

Clarke told them everything and she could swear that Jasper almost passed out and at the end of their talk, Clarke realized something. Maybe she still loved him.

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