{ six }

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time: two months later.

Echo never came back. As for Clarke, she was finally accepting that maybe she was still in love with Bellamy but of course she wouldn't say anything.

Clarke thought it would be important for Bellamy to show him that she was thinking of sticking around so she made a plan with Finn, who entered in a plane just to bring her some of her most important things. And Jasper's obviously.

Octavia was now on her vacations, Jasper was looking for a job, Bellamy was currently working at a bar and Clarke was helping her father at the clinic but she managed the computer part so she mostly worked from home.

"Clarke! You're doing anything tonight?" Bellamy asked entering her room. She was wearing a white dress and she was beautiful. "Oh. You are." He said, frowning a little.

"She's going on a date!" Octavia screamed from downstairs and Clarke smiled a little as she looked at Bellamy.

She wasn't going on a date. She was going to meet Finn at the airport and then she would bring her stuff and Jasper's to Bellamy's and Octavia's.

"You look great." Bellamy said and Clarke blushed a little.

"Thank you. It's good to be back on the game." She joked and Jasper entered the room.

"Damn, woman. What are you doing later, can I get your number?" He smirked kidding and Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Jasper."

"So, this guy you're meeting... Is he nice? Does he treats you well?" Bellamy asked and Clarke tried to not smile too large.

"Huh, yes, he does. He...treats me very well." Clarke bounced her head. "I got to go now, I don't want to get late." She smiled and she kissed Jasper's and Bellamy's cheek. "See you guys later."

Clarke said her goodbyes to the boys and then to Octavia. Octavia and Jasper knew her plan and Clarke actually thought Octavia was happier than her.  

The money between the four of them wasn't a lot so Clarke had to ask her dad for her old car. Clarke drove to the airport and when she saw a guy all stressing out with the bags, she knew it was Finn. 

He was there to help her and to visit his sister.

"Need a help?" Clarke chuckled walking over to him and she helped him with the bags.

Clarke and Finn talked over an hour and he was really fascinated about the way Clarke talked about Bellamy and Octavia. And Jasper obviously. 

Clarke had left him on his sister's house and she was now driving to her home. Home. Bellamy. Maybe home wasn't a place but a person. Once she arrived, Bellamy was gone for work and apparently Jasper and Octavia had went to have some dinner together.

She walked over her bedroom and she was glad no one was there, it meant that she could sing and dance while she organized her things. She put Jasper's bags on Jasper's bed and she started to take care of her clothes.

Once she was done, she grabbed a small teddy bear she had brought from home and she put it on Bellamy's bed. He gave her that on their 1 year anniversary. She looked at the bear for a while as she smiled gently.

Clarke changed her clothes to comfortable ones and she walked over the bar where Bellamy was working since it was pretty much 2 blocks away from their home. Clarke entered, hoping she would spot him alone but he wasn't.

Bellamy was on a table, talking with Echo. Clarke's eyes turned sadder but she didn't let him see that. She walked away from the bar way before he could even see her. She walked back at home, never feeling more alone than at that moment.

Obviously Octavia and Jasper hadn't arrive yet which didn't totally surprised Clarke. It only made her drag herself to her room and put her pajama on, lay on bed and remind herself of Madi by searching her things.

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