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"She left the ring." Bellamy said as Octavia sat next to him.

"I figured." Octavia said low. "I'm not mad at you, Bell, but Clarke didn't hurt Echo. That I can promise you." Octavia looked at him before she gave him a few papers. "I took that out of Clarke's bag. It proves that Echo is not mentally stable."

"She could have explained me this but she left, O."

"You decided to keep Echo here, Bellamy." Octavia sighed and he nodded slowly. "Just work your shit together, okay? She loves you more than anything and I know you feel the same way about her. You're Bellamy and Clarke, you're meant to be."

"What if we're not?" Bellamy asked, with tears on his eyes.

"You are." Octavia smiled a little.

Octavia eventually left and Bellamy stood there, analyzing the papers. Clarke was right. And maybe he just threw away what could be a really good ending.

Clarke sat on Lincoln's couch as he gave her a cup of juice.

"Feeling any better?" He asked low and she shrugged slowly.

"I'm not sure. I'm afraid that Echo tries to hurt him." Clarke said lower.

"He'll come to his sense, Clarke."

"What if my mom was right? When she said that me and Bellamy are not meant to stay together?" 

"Clarke, from what Octavia and Bellamy himself, told me about the two of you, it's clearly that you and him are meant to stay together." Lincoln looked at her. "You're both humans, Clarke. You will always make mistakes, no matter what. What's more important is that your love is unconditional. The way he smiles at you, the way he looks at you like he's looking at this masterpiece, that's love. And the way you blush every time he calls you beautiful or the way you hug him when he's scared or sad about something."

"How do you notice all of that?" Clarke said low, with tears on her eyes.

"I watch. Plus, Octavia tells me a lot about you two." He smiled gently and she nodded slowly. "Don't let one person ruin a relationship that's been up since you were kids. Yes, you broke up, yes, you fight a lot but nothing is going to change the fact that you asked him to marry you. And he said yes."

"I never thought you'd be so good at advice." Clarke said low, cleaning her tears.  "I'll text him later. Trying to talk with him."

"He loves you, never forget that." 

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