{ twenty - two }

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On the next days, Bellamy was weak. He could barely move out of the bed and Clarke was seriously considering taking him to the hospital so we would get his surgery soon but that's not what Bellamy wanted.

"Just eat the soup, Bellamy." Clarke looked at him. She was exhausted, that was the truth.

"Clarke. Just let the soup there and go away, please." 

"Stop. pushing. me. away!" She looked at him, angry but sad.

"Is everything okay?" Octavia asked as she walked in the room silently.

"Clarke is freaking out." Bellamy groaned. "Just because I don't want to eat the soup."

"Bellamy is pushing me away, again! It looks like we're 17 again." 

"Bellamy cut the crap and stop pushing Clarke away. Clarke take deep breathes and let him take his time." Octavia sighed and they both nodded, which made Octavia get back to her room where she was with Chewy.

"I'm sorry. I've been putting so much pressure on you." Clarke said low as she sat on their bed.

"I'm sorry you have to be so worried about me." Bellamy sighed and pulled her close.

"It's not your fault. I'll always be worried about you." She said, putting her head on his chest. "Bellamy." She said quietly and he looked down at her. "I don't blame you. For not being there. There was nothing you could have done."

"What are we talking about?"

"We're talking about Madi." Clarke looked at him and he nodded slowly.

"Did you read my journal?" He looked at her.

"Huh, no. It was just there, wide open." She lied, smiling a little.

"Clarke, it had a locker. A 4-number code." Bellamy laughed and Clarke nodded embarrassed.

"Anyone could guessed the code." Clarke looked at him and he rolled his eyes smiling. 

"I don't blame you either. For Jasper. I know you blame yourself, Clarke. Just like I blame myself for Madi and my mom but the truth is, there's nothing we could have done." He said low and she pulled him close. "I admit I'm giving you a hard time so maybe you'll leave and if something happens—"

"Nothing is happening to you, Bellamy." Clarke looked at his eyes. "And I'm not going to leave you."

"I'm sorry. I know it's hard for everyone." He sighed.

"I'm going to meet Echo this afternoon, to see if she found any cheap house. You can spend the afternoon with Octavia. Pushing her away isn't good. She loves you so much, Bell. Spend the afternoon with her before Lincoln arrives, okay?" She looked at his eyes and he nodded slowly.

"Thank you, for all the support." Bellamy mumbled as Clarke kissed his forehead.

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