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When Bellamy came back home, Clarke was cleaning along with Octavia. Echo had call her, telling Bellamy's stupid plan to push her away.

"Clarke. We need to talk." Bellamy said low and Clarke crossed her arms.

"Oh, damn right we need." Clarke said.

"This isn't working" Bellamy said.

"Hmhm, go on." Clarke looked at him.

"We need to–"

"Echo called me." Clarke said and Bellamy sighed. "Why the hell on Earth would you want to push me away?"

"Clarke.. You deserve so much better."

"And somehow she's in love with you." Octavia said which made Clarke laugh. "Sorry."

"What if I die? You'll be alone" Bellamy said.

"Why do you keep thinking that you're going to die? Bellamy, we all die at the end. But you're not going to die in that surgery!" Clarke sighed.

"But Echo said—"

"What does Echo know? Bellamy, she's your friend but I'm telling you this as a doctor. You won't die." Clarke looked at his eyes. "And if you ever try to push me away again because you're scared, I'll beat you." She groaned but smiled a little.

"I'm sorry." He said low and Clarke nodded.

"Do you remember what you said when we first met?" Clarke smiled.

"Oh, I do." Octavia laughed and Bellamy threw a napkin at her.

"I told you a lot of things." Bellamy bounced his head.

"You said, "Girl, imma marry you". Do you remember that?" Clarke asked low and Bellamy nodded. "So now I'm asking you. Boy, will you marry me?" Clarke looked at him as she took a ring out of her pocket.

"Is that a chocolate ring?" Bellamy laughed and Clarke nodded. "Are you serious? You want to marry me?"

"For god sake, yes!" Octavia grumbled and Chewy made a noise.

"What she said." Clarke smiled and Bellamy looked at her eyes.

"Even after this? Even after everything?" Bellamy asked low, insecure as hell.

"You're a mess, that's for sure. But so am I. And so is Octavia." Clarke laughed.

Bellamy didn't answer to her, he just grabbed her by the waist and he kissed her deeply in love. It was a yes. Bellamy never thought Clarke would be the one proposing but honestly, neither did she.

Octavia was happier than ever. Her brother and her best-friend would finally get the happiness that they deserved. But then it hit her. 

She was completely alone.

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