Chapter 1

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Thanks loves😌 Enjoy.



I thought to myself as I looked at the ceiling. I've always been depressed ever since I was a kid . My mom was a prostitute and my dad was a killer . My mom always tried her best for me but it was never enough , my dad on the other hand wanted nothing to do with me .

My mom would bring guys to the apartment that liked to touch me , I've never got raped though , I was a fighter . If my mom saw what was going on she would usually kick the guy straight out but sometimes she would be too drunk to notice. One day when I came home she was laid out on the floor , there was pills next to her and she had no pulse .      

I was only 7 , I ran out of the apartment so fast without looking back . It traumatized me forever.  I was homeless until a cop stopped me and asked where my parents were and I said Fuck them . I'm now 16 and I'm still in this shitty ass orphanage, they'll let me go in 2 years when I'm 18 . Unless someone adopts me which I doubt will ever happen considering my age.

I just can't wait until I don't have to depend on anybody any more . Im already a grown ass women in my state of mind .

"Jersey" Aria said . We always looked out for each other , she came in a little bit after me and she cried all the time . We became friends because we were tutored together , ever since we've always had each other's back .

"Wassup" I said irritated.

" I just wanted to check up on you damn , always got a attitude." Aria said rolling her eyes.

" Okay , I'm sorry ." I laughed

"Having another bad day aren't you?" She sat next to me .

"Yeah I'm just over thinking shit , I'll be fine tho , I promise ."

"Ard Jersey , but you know you can talk to me right ?"

" Yesss Ari now get ya big headed ass outta my room." We both laughed and she left .

I laid back on my bed , thinking about what could've happened if I called the police . Thoughts like 'would she still be here' 'Would I even be here' 'what would've happened' , I think those everyday and it literally drives me insane . Regret didn't have shit on what I was feeling . I guess I'll never know .


"Jah ! Come downstairs dinner is ready and we need to talk !" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be there just wait a minute!" I yelled back

"Don't raise your voice at me boy!"

"Sorry!" I said not as loud as before .

I was upstairs writing music , it always seemed to keep me sane . Lisa adopted me when I was 5 . My dad left the house on fire when me and my mom were inside sleep. I remember waking up coughing and hearing my mom yelling .  I didn't know what to do so I jumped out the window and broke my arm . The cops were called and I was taken to the hospital .

There I met Lisa , My mom . The one who adopted me . She was one of the doctors and we got along well , she promised me that I wouldn't get hurt anymore as long as she was there  and so far she kept that promise . She's been there for me through thick and thin but I still wonder about my real mom , Cleo . I still wonder if I could've saved her and how my life would be today . But all that shit doesn't matter anymore .

~My step brother~ | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now