Chapter 6

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I don't know what this girl is doing to me . It's like I can't control myself when I'm around her. I don't know how things are gonna work between us because we're technically "brother and sister" legally. I can't do this to mom, she had a chance of having a daughter and I would just fuck it up. I thought about telling her my feelings but I know she would be disappointed. So I guess I'll just bottle them up until I burst. A ding went off on my phone. It was my ex .

Ex😐- Jah?

Me- Tf do you want?

Ex😐-I missed my period.

Me-And what the fuck does that have to do with me?

Ex😐- Your're the first and last person I've ever slept with. I'm scared.

Me- If you are pregnant abort that shit.

I left it at that and blocked her number . I literally want nothing to do with her. She already fucked with my mind enough. I sat there wondering what I wanted to do tomorrow , I can't be in this house another fucking second . And I actually wanted to spend time with Jersey outside of the house , like take her on a date or something. I decided to go to Jersey's room seeing that she was asleep.

"Aagvhgdchlpkbyfedchikn" I said loud into her ear laughing .

She flinched and hit me in the chest .

"Jah what the fuckkkk, I was having a bomb ass dream !" She said annoyed.

"About?" I asked

"Stokeley strokes." She said .

She saw me aggravated and started busting out laughing .

" I'm playinggg , but what did you come in here for ?" She said smiling.

"To talk to you about where we're going today" I said smirking as I sat down next to her.

"What if I just want to stay inside ?" She fake pouted.

"Not a option" I said.

"Ok ok ok, where we going?" She laughed .

"Your choice." I said with a smile. This girl makes me so fucking happy.

"Hmmm , you know where I really wanna go ?" She said tapping her finger on her chin.

"I wanna go skating" She said laughing.

"Bet nigga! You fenna bust ya ass" I said laughing as she pretended to frown.

"Yeah okay let's see." She said

"Imma go check their times ok?" I said to her . She nodded and I left the room.


I blushed as he left the room. He really has a impact over me , I thought to myself. I've never really liked someone before so I don't really know what I was feeling , I've never loved anyone either. I got a ding .

~My step brother~ | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now