Chapter 7

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" I run this SHIT! I dare you try to give rules to MY TEAM. I can have you fired by tomorrow you-" I was yelling at one of my clients when my phone started to buzz .

"I'm gonna answer this , but don't think you're off the fucking hook" I said angry. I picked up the call and walked away.

"Ms.Gladwin?" A voice asked .

"That's me." I said annoyed .

"Your two children got in an very tragic car accident.. Jahseh and Jersey?" The person said as my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Wha-what ? What do you mean ? What happened ? Are they okay?" I said panicking on the verge of tears.

"I wish I could say everything is alright Ms.Gladwin but your daughter...she's in very bad condition. It seems she already had damage to her brain . The x-ray showed a hard impact. I'm guessing she fell." The doctors I guess were saying .

"No no no" I said bawling in tears now.

"And what about my son?"

"He's in a coma but should be fine. He's a tough one." The doctor said .

At this point I was totally broken . I should've never left them . I should've stayed like a mom would've.

"A-and my car?" I said.

"Really ma'am?"

"I'm sorry , I'll be there . In about 6 hours just watch them please" I said sobbing.

"Yes ma'am."

I hanged up immediately and packed up all my shit . I told my team what happened. They all comforted me and told me they had everything under control which I knew was a damn lie but I had to leave. I got a Uber off my phone and waited till they arrived , once they did I told them to please hurry so I could catch the next flight back to Florida. The driver sped there and I tipped him 40$.

I ran into the airport forgetting about all the shit I had at my hotel. Fuck it. I asked the lady up front when the next plane would be leaving for Florida and told her it was urgent. She told me in about 10 minutes . I paid in all cash and ran causing people to look at me all types of crazy. I probably looked like shit but it didn't matter. All that mattered at this moment were my kids.


I woke up groaning at the pain I felt in my chest. It felt like I couldn't breathe but I was. A nurse ran over to me doing shit to the wires . She then put a mask over my face.

"Is that better?" She said politely and I nodded my head yes.

I was about to close my eyes when a feeling of guilt built in me . I took off the mask.

"Sir you're supposed to-" I interrupted the nurse.

"Where's Jersey?" Where is she?" I yelled sitting up not caring about the pain I was in .

"Sir please lay dow-" I cut her off again .

"BITCH WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled pushing the nurse as she stumbled back.

"I-I'm sorry I'll go see." She stuttered as she fixed her clothes and walked out . I plumped back down remembering how I got here.

"Fuckkk" I said as I hit myself in the head.

I should've never ran those lights, if I didn't she would probably have been okay.

I heard the door open and mom came in .

"Mom?" I said

"Jahseh!" She said running over to me . She hugged me what seemed like forever then finally let go when I said ouch.

"Mom where's Jersey? Is she okay?" I said in a concerned tone. Her face already gave me the answer.

"She's not good hun. She has som brain damage. Which means she won't remember something things. I'm sorry." She said with her head down.

"I should've never left , i should've stayed with you guys." She said crying into her hands. I pulled her into a hug.

"Mom it's not your fault ok? I'm the one that decided to run the lights . I was the one not paying attention to the road." I said comforting her.

"Where the fuck were you guys even going ? They said she had some brain problems even before. What he fuck happened? JAHSEH DID YOU PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON HER?!" Mom yelled in my face .

"NO MOM! W-we were at Olive Garden and Geneva came in with her dad a-and Jersey started feeling dizzy and when I tried to help her to the car she passed out on the concrete." I said almost about to cry. I have hit her before , and it was wrong. Which made me feel even more horrible.

"Okay Jah, I believe you. At least you guys are finally getting along I guess." She said getting up.

"I'm gonna go check on her."She said leaving the room.

If Jersey doesn't make it out of the hospital I will never forgive myself.

I walked out of Jah's room and walked into the elevator clicking Jersey's floor. Something seemed He doesn't act like that for people he just met. I guess the really grew close after I left because before I did Jahseh didn't even bother looking at her twice . The elevator dinged as the doors opened and I walked down the hallway into Jerseys room. She looked lifeless even though she was breathing. I couldn't stand the sight of it . I broke down in tears remembering what I said to her . I said I was going to protect her always , it felt like I failed her .

"Jersey I know you can't talk right now but I promise I'm gonna be here when you wake up . I won't leave your side and neither will Jahseh. I love you hun." I said as I hugged her. I just wanted her to be okay . That's all.

As I hugged her her heart beat started to get faster .

*beep beep beep beep*


Her line went flat.

"NURSE ?! SOMEBODY HELP!" I yelled People came in the room pulling me out as I struggled wanting to stay .

Just keep breathing Jersey, keep breathing.


I know it's short but I just wanted to let y'all know what's going on . I'll update again today with a longer one 😚!


~My step brother~ | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now