Chapter 23

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This chapter fenna be a bit confusing 🙂 I know what I wanna do with this book so this is just leaning towards it otay? Otay☺️.

"Anywhere but here." I said . He walked over to me grabbing my neck harshly as I tried to  pull my hands off gasping for air.

"Bitch you crazy if you ever think you're leaving me." He said.

"S-ski let g-go." I managed to say. He let me go as I fell to the floor. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

"Since you don't know who you belong to, I'll show you." He said with a smirk. I got up quickly off the floor and ran up stairs, I went into our guest room quickly locking the door.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" He yelled as he banged on it. I was looking for a way out of here. All I saw was a window. I walked over to the window opening it softly so he wouldn't know I was trying to escape.

"JERSEY YOU'RE MAKING THIS WORSE FOR YOURSELF!" He said. Did this nigga turn crazy overnight? I put one foot out of the window and then the other. Ski busted the door open making me jump. I fell on my side as something cracked.

"FUCK!" I yelled. Ski looked out the window then ran back. I quickly got up running into our woods. I went as fast as I could, I could barely breathe. I heard branches crushing behind me so I knew he was following my trace.

"STOP RUNNING!" He yelled behind me. I looked back seeing a knife in his hand and I was scared shitless. As I kept running I only heard my footsteps..maybe he stopped? I started to walk feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. 

"Aaaah fuck." I said as I held my side. I didn't have a phone so I couldn't call anyone. I saw a street ahead so I walked towards it. As I walked my leg was getting more weak and more weak. I saw a gas station ahead so I limped my way there. I walked into the store and made my way to the cash register.

"P-please call the police." I said out of breath, I probably looked like shit.

"Oh my god ma'am are you okay?" She said running to my side.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT BITCH CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!" I yelled and she ran back over to the desk and took out her phone. I was getting more lightheaded by the second.

"Yes there's a pregnant lady that just came into my store and she's looks very injured." That's all I heard before I fell hitting my head on the side of the counter and everything went black. 

                              5 days later

I woke up in a hospital and looked to my side. It was my cousin from my moms side and I haven't seen her in years.

"K-Kayla?" I said as she rushed over to me.

"Jersey!" She yelled as she hugged me.

"What happened? Oh my god. Are they okay?!" I yelled as my hand went down to my stomach. 

"They're fine." She said as she sat back down as a feeling of relief came over my body.

"I haven't seen you in forever. How did you even know I was here?" I said as my head started to throb.

"I don't even know. The hospital called me. I guess you still had me down as a emergency." She said as I nodded.

"Jersey do you have somewhere to go?" She said and I started to cry.

"No." I said as tears fell. I wasn't going back with Stokeley and I wasn't going back home with mom and Jahseh. Everything felt so out of place. I didn't know where any one was , which was weird. If mom knew I was in the hospital she would've been the first person I would've saw when I woke up.

"Then you're coming with me. Okay? Don't worry." She said as she hugged me. I nodded. If nobody cared about me I guess I was just gonna have to do things on my own.

"You'll be out of here in about 3 more days. I'm staying at a hotel near here. I live in Miami so it's not very far from here." She said as she got up.

"Okay. Thank you so much." I said wiping my tears.

"No problem, you deserve it." She said.

My cousin was about 5 years older than me. She was always there for me when I was a kid. But one day when one of my moms guys came over they started to touch me. Kayla didn't know what to do so she ran and left me to defend myself all alone. The last time I saw her was when she visited me in the orphanage when I was about 13. 

I'll do whatever I have to for my children. With or without help I'm going to make sure they're good. I didn't want to talk to Ski, Jahseh or Mom. I wanted a fresh start and that's what I'm going to do.

It's short I know. I promise y'all will understand more in the next chapter if y'all confused.  

Imma start on the walking dead fanfic for Jahseh today and it'll be called survive 🙂.


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