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Loneliness and I had grown quite close over the years

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Loneliness and I had grown quite close over the years. We shared a bond that I had never shared with anyone else. When everything in life was spiraling out of control, loneliness was the one thing I could always count on.

Loneliness was my best friend, and I loved him dearly.


Gravel crunched under my feet as I made my way to the apartment I had just signed a lease on, it wasn't luxurious or exciting, but it was home— it was mine, and I was ready to see what the future held for me. I left a small town in Louisiana, got on a bus, and eventually got tired of riding, so, here I was.

I was never an extremely adventurous soul, to be quite frank, I was riddled with anxiety. But I was tired of being seen as a victim. I was sick of being pitied every time someone walked past me on the street, or held the door open for me at the gas station. I was tired of hearing them whisper when they thought I couldn't hear them anymore.

"Poor Emerson, it's such a shame that a girl as pretty as her had to have such a tough life."

"I hear it's Emmy's fault all those girls died, they were a spittin' image of her."

"If she wouldn't have been cursed with them parents of hers, she probably could've had a better chance at life!"

"They don't even go to church anymore, bless her heart..."

Everywhere I went, gossip followed me— I guess I learned to shrug it off as the years passed.

I brought a cigarette to my mouth, holding it between my teeth as I rummaged in my purse for a lighter. I finally found it and produced a flame, taking a quick drag of my cigarette before tossing the lighter back into the dark abyss known as my bag.

My eyes raked over the apartment I had just signed a 3 month lease on. Apartment 7A, located in the back lot of Luciana Parkway apartments ("We'll make you feel at home!"). Yeah, right. My landlord, Mr. Byrd, was a downright creepy son-of-a-bitch.

"You sure are pretty, gonna be staying there by yourself?" He asked me earlier, while I was signing the paperwork. I told him a tour wasn't necessary, to be honest I just didn't want to be stuck in an apartment with him. At least here, while I was filling out the paperwork, his employees bustled in and out of the office.

I took another drag from my cigarette and placed the duffel bag down next to my two suitcases. It was exactly what I had expected from a town like Luciana, Texas, population 13,000. Run down, beat up, and far from perfect— just like me. I guess I couldn't have picked a better time to get tired of riding on the bus.

I put my cigarette out, picked up my luggage, and turned the handle, making my way inside. When I shut the door behind me and locked it, I finally got to take a glance around the inside of my new home. It was furnished with a bed, a desk, and a bookshelf. Maybe I'd stay in town long enough to buy more things, maybe not. Only time could tell.

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