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Damnit, has the sun always been this bright? Who even needs a fucking alarm clock when Gideon decides to leave his curtains halfway open in the morning? Whenever we move into the new house, whenever the hell that's going to be, I will have complete control over the curtains. And they will keep sunlight out at all costs. How is he even still asleep? Can't he feel the bright sun burning through his retinas?

I turned on my side so the sun would beam down on my back rather than the front of my face, and I felt Gideon's arms wrap around me like a steel cage. He breathed in my scent and moaned lightly, pressing against my back tightly. I wanted to get up and take a shower, but laying here with him sounded so much more inviting. I hadn't slept good last night, Eddie's parting words and Greyson's letter had swirled around in my head for hours and I hadn't fallen asleep until about 2 that morning, so needless to say... I was exhausted. I tried to wriggle free from his grasp, but only got a few inches away before he snatched me back against him.

"Where are you going?" He grunted, nuzzling his face closer into my neck. I couldn't help but giggle, and the sound of it was foreign to my ears.

"I'm going to take a shower. I've got a big day today, you know?" I said, managing to turn over and face him. I pressed a small kiss to his bare chest, the hair tickling my nose.

"You do? What are you doing today?" He asked, finally opening his eyes and looking down at me in confusion.

"Okay, you caught me. I don't have any big plans. I just planned on doing laundry, picking up our room, and probably hanging out with Kya today." I shrugged. Kya hadn't talked to me much since the explosion, but she was aware of what Eddie did to me. I wasn't sure if she had broken up with him or not, but she promised to answer any questions I might have when she came over this afternoon.

"You know you're not allowed to leave the clubhouse, right?" He asked me, lifting an eyebrow as if daring me to question his demands.

"Yes, daddy. I know." I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful, you don't want to awaken the beast." He warned, a laugh grumbling out of his throat. God, this man was ridiculous... and I loved him with all my heart. "Speaking of daddies. You've never told me much about yours, how was he?"

Fuck.I really didn't want to have this conversation with him... like... ever. But, since we started over with a clean slate, I figured it wouldn't be best for me to lie. I wasn't even sure how to ease into this, and I know he has enough going on with the club, I didn't want him worrying about my dad or my shitty home life. I could rip the bandaid off, but the last thing I wanted to deal with was a pissy Gideon Walker at seven-something in the morning.

"Are you sure you want to know about all of that?" I asked, turning onto my back. Gideon must have sensed that I needed some space because he let go of me and propped himself up on his elbow, his eyes scanning my face for any sort of emotions. Luckily, I was still pretty good at hiding them. I knew that to be a fact because he had no idea about the bombshell I would eventually drop on him later tonight about Eddie's words and Greyson's note. Damn, today was going to be dramatic.

"Of course I'm sure, Em. I want to know everything about you, no matter what it is." He shoved some of the stray pieces of hair behind his ear as he studied my face, which clearly told no emotions yet.

"I just, I don't want you to get pissed and send out some sort of manhunt and take some weird blood oath to avenge me or something like that." I said with a groan, covering my face with my hands. Gideon let out a loud laugh, and it was so contagious that I found myself laughing as well... even though my statement was 100% serious.

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