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As I sat there next to the lifeless body of the woman I loved, I realized that I wasn't doing her any good by throwing myself a pity party. Kya's screams brought me back to reality, and I quickly scooped Emerson up in my arms.

"How did you get here?" I barked out at her, the crowd around us was parting easily, staring at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"I-I..." Kya stammered, clutching at her own stomach, probably to keep herself from throwing up. It was a gruesome sight for anyone to see that had never lived a life like mine.

"HOW?" I bellowed furiously, I needed her to get her shit together. Emerson needed her to get her shit together, otherwise she would bleed out and die in this stupid fucking club she never should have been at in the first place. It didn't help that she was severely intoxicated, her blood was thin because of the alcohol and it was spilling out of her at a rate far too quick for my liking.

"We took a car, but our hotel is only a few blocks from here." Kya finally spat out, rushing towards the door. I followed her closely, carrying Emerson in my arms as though she weighed nothing. I looked around the street for a vehicle we could steal, I'd worry about the consequences later. Suddenly, a pickup truck squealed to a halt in front of me and Reno was in the drivers seat.

"Get in!" He yelled, honking the horn to get our attention. Kya ran to the passengers side of the truck and yanked the door open for me, and I slid in as gently as I could, clutching Emerson tightly to my chest.

"Just hang on for me, baby. I'm going to make it okay." I murmured against her hair. I didn't know if she could hear me, but just in case she could, I needed to say the words to her again. "I love you so much, Emerson. I'm so sorry, please let me make this right." I whispered softly, not caring if Reno or Kya heard. I didn't care who knew I loved her anymore, I wanted the world to know. I would no longer be afraid of my feelings for her.

"I called the doc, Prez. The new one. As luck would have it, she was visiting her sister here. She's meeting us at the hotel." Reno informed me, and I turned to him and gave him the most gracious look I could muster. I knew my eyes were rimmed with tears still. He gave me a nod as he barreled down the street at speeds unbeknownst to me.

"Killian took Cassidy back to the clubhouse, I expect he'll keep her somewhere secluded so you can deal with her when we get back." Reno said. I nodded, but kept my gaze focused solely on Emerson. I didn't want to look away from her, in fear that she would die right in front of me. I had to spend these last few moments with her if it was all she had left.  "I know you love her, man. We all do. She'll be okay." Reno reassured me. I didn't react to his words, just stroked Emerson's cheek softly, praying silently to a God that surely had abandoned me long ago.

I wasn't sure how much longer we spent in the truck, but Reno brought it skidding to a halt in front of the hotel. Kya jumped out quickly and began running towards the staircase, I followed close behind her... uncomfortable with how slowly her legs were moving. I didn't know which room was theirs. Finally, we made it to the third floor and I watched as she fumbled around in her bag for the room key. When, at last, she found it, she opened the door and led me inside. I placed Emerson down on the bed gently, my tear ducts had surely run dry at this point.

Moments later, the new club doctor came bounding into the room breathing heavily. "What happened?" She asked, throwing her bag onto the floor where it landed with a loud thud. I opened my mouth to answer her but still hadn't found the ability to speak. Kya started speaking quickly, telling the doctor what she saw happen only a few feet away from her in the club. The doctor started pulling things out of her bag, her hands moving as quick as lightening. She was mumbling something but I paid her no mind. I peppered kisses on Emerson's face, tears still spilling out of my eyes. I guess my tear ducts weren't as dry as I thought.

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