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I couldn't believe what had suddenly come over me. If it was the anger of seeing Gideon with Crystal not long after he had tried to kiss me, the alcohol coursing through my veins, or the fact that I was jealous, but I'd be damned if Crystal tried to sink her claws into Gideon when I was in the room ever again. I had watched her try continuously to lure him away from the party more than once tonight, and I had finally grown tired of her not realizing that Gideon was spoken for, whether anyone else knew or not. There was no way in hell she was warming his bed tonight, I would make sure of it.

Sure, I was drunk, but I was perfectly coherent as I felt Gideon pull me towards him and say that I was his girl-- and the feeling that seemed to cover every inch of me was a happiness I hadn't felt in so many years. He had told Crystal that I was his, even if no one else knew. As long as she was aware, that was all I needed. The rest could wait, and if this was just something Gideon said tonight because he had been drinking, then just feeling like I belonged to him for one night was enough for me. Damn, I sounded pathetic. Like a lovesick teenager.

After Crystal walked off with Tasha, Gideon protectively held me against him for a few moments longer. I let out a deep breath and turned to face him, stumbling slightly. "Damn, baby, you okay?" Gideon asked, his hands gripping either side of my waist to keep me from stumbling again. I blushed deeply when he called me baby, and nodded at him. "You know, I don't need you to stand up for me, although it was fucking hot to hear you defend my honor like that." He said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, reaching around to grab the second shot I hadn't had a chance to drink yet. "You think you should drink that? You're already pretty smashed." Gideon said, his hands still lingering on my hips. His hands felt like fire when they brushed against my skin, and I felt drunk on him rather than whiskey. I opened my mouth to answer him, but all that came out was a hiccup.

"That's what I thought." He said, taking the shot glass from my hands and drinking the liquid himself. I bit my lip as I saw him take the shot with ease, longing to taste the whiskey remnants on his tongue. He gave me a wink before sliding off the stool and taking my hands. "Come on, Legs, let's go lay down, yeah?" He asked, giving my hands a gentle squeeze. My heart was racing fast in my chest, and I couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was still holding me. I nodded and turned to follow him down the hallway to Killian's room.

When we finally reached the second to last door, I was surprised to see Gideon walk right past it and make his way into the last room in the hall. He unlocked the door before pulling me inside and feeling around for the lightswitch. He finally found it and turned the light on and I found my eyes widening in wonder at the room around us. It was very different from Killian's room. It was clean, for one, and there weren't posters of half naked women covering every surface. There was a large king sized bed in the middle of the room that was adorned with a thick black duvet, and multiple pillows that looked softer than clouds. Part of me wanted to run and dive into the comfortable bed, but the other part of me had to stop myself.

"Um, this isn't Killian's room..." I said softly, keeping my back turned towards him. He took a few steps closer to me and wrapped his arms gingerly around my waist, moving his lips dangerously close to my ear.

"No, it's not. I didn't want to leave you alone, and I thought it would be safer in here with me." He whispered, his warm breath traveling down my neck in a dance of passion.

"Are-are you sure?" I asked, goosebumps raising the hairs on my arms. He was so close, and his lips were moving silently across my skin each time his lips moved-- it was a painful tease, knowing all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around his neck and taste every inch of him.

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