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After I hung up the phone with Gideon, I started running my bath water. I was so glad that I had mentioned to Kya that I had always wanted a deep clawfoot tub, because they were the source of ultimate relaxation. I poured some bubble bath into the running water and escaped into the bedroom to find a good book to read while I relaxed. It felt like it had been forever since I had the chance to just soak in steaming hot water and get lost in a world that wasn't my own, and I was really looking forward to spending some time with myself. I hadn't really had a chance to reflect on all the things that had happened recently because I had constantly been surrounded by people. Not that I was complaining, really, if I would have been left alone after the recent attacks, there was no doubt that I would have convinced myself to run away or close myself off from the people that cared about me the most.

When I found the book I wanted to read, I returned to the bathroom and shed my clothes, stepping into the hot water. My muscles relaxed almost instantly, and the dull ache from my broken rib seemed to subside in a heartbeat. I was still sore from Eddie's attack, but I had gotten so good at hiding it that no one really questioned if I was okay or not. Besides, I didn't want anyone pitying me for it, so hiding it was the best choice for now. I threw my hair up in a bun and submerged myself as far as I could, closing my eyes and letting out a deep breath. It felt good to relax in the silence and comfort of a home that belonged to me. Not constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure a stranger barged in. Not that anyone other than Gideon would have found their way into his bathroom at the clubhouse, but there was always that small fear in the back of my head that I was never truly alone.

I opened my book and began reading, losing myself in the pages. Once the water started to turn lukewarm, I let some of it out and filled it back up with scalding hot water from the faucet. This was truly what heaven had to be like, the only way my night could have gotten any better would have been if Gideon was here with me. Like a sign from God, though, there was a loud knock from the front door. I hadn't expected him home so soon, and I knew he had a key, but maybe he had left it here this morning. I had left his mind rather... preoccupied before he left. I stepped out of the bathtub, barely allowing myself to dry off, and grabbed a plush gray robe from the back of the door, cinching it tightly around my waist.

I made my way down the hallway, gun in hand, just like I had been instructed to do. Gideon would have thrown a fit if I answered the door unarmed. I could just hear him scolding me now, 'Emerson just because we have our own place doesn't mean someone wouldn't just show up unannounced! You have to remain vigilant!' I allowed myself to chuckle at his words, no matter how silly they sounded, he was right. I didn't exactly have the best track record since moving to Luciana, that was for certain.

When I rounded the corner and took a peek out of the blinds, however, I was not expecting the visitor that was standing on my front steps. It definitely wasn't Gideon, and he would be fucking livid to know that this unwanted guest was standing there with his hands shoved deeply into his pockets and his hair swept up in a bun that was equally as messy as my own.

"What are you doing here, Killian?" I asked, opening the door and pulling the robe even tighter around my body.

"I'm sorry to just... show up like this, but I needed to apologize for my behavior the other morning." He said, nervously scratching his neck. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him, not inviting him in. Gideon would be fucking pissed if he managed to walk in on his best friend and his old lady having a conversation in the living room while I was dressed in practically nothing.

Killian's eyes roamed over my body quickly, and a blush crept over his face. "Sorry, can I come in?" He asked anxiously, keeping his hands in his pockets.

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