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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and the weight of someone sleeping next to me. The sun was beaming far too brightly into the room, and as I cracked my eyes open I found myself at home, in bed, with Gideon snoring softly next to me. I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that everything I had just experienced had been nothing more than a bad dream.



Suddenly, my chest caved in from the pain of realizing that none of it had been a dream. That I had cradled Killian in my arms as he slowly faded away, leaving not just his body behind-- but me as well. I felt a tear leak out of the corner of my eye, and I rolled over to wrap my arms tightly around Gideon, he was the only thing that could bring me any comfort during a time like this. A time when I felt as though I was nothing more than a hollow shell of the person I was yesterday. At least, I think it was yesterday? My eyes were so heavy, like I hadn't slept in months, yet my body was stiff and sore-- as though I had been in the same position for far too long. I stretched my legs out and did my best not to disturb Gideon too much, I knew that no matter what had happened, or how long I had been asleep, he definitely needed the rest he was finally getting.

"Baby?" He asked softly, turning over so that his face was now inches from mine. There were bags under his eyes and he looked as though he had aged a few years in a short amount of time. There was a new pang in my heart, more guilt. I hated that I had been the cause of all of his suffering since I had stepped foot into Luciana. But I wouldn't let that guilt drive me away. I was here to stay, I was here for good. I would raise my baby here in Luciana with Gideon by my side. Wait. My baby. Was my baby okay? Certainly he was, otherwise I would be in a hospital somewhere, right? Holy shit. Callahan. What the fuck had happened to him? What was happening outside of my little bubble right now? I had so many questions, and not enough answers.

"Calm down, Legs. Don't overexert yourself, you've gotta take it easy. Doctors orders." Gideon told me firmly, his hand lifted up to stroke my arm gently.

"What happened? How long have I been asleep?" I asked, my throat drier than the Sahara fucking desert. Gideon reached over me and grabbed a bottle of water from my bed side table, helping me up before I cracked open the bottle and guzzled down its contents in record speed. I was practically gasping for air before he answered me.

"A little over 48 hours." He said, his voice was pained but I could see the relief in his eyes. "Don't worry, the baby is fine. You collapsed due to severe stress, dehydration, and shock. Your body has been through a lot lately, Lindsay said she was surprised you made even made it to the hospital without passing out."

"What happened to Callahan? Where's Killian's body? Did I miss the... the funeral?" I managed to choke out, it hurt too much to speak his name. To talk about him like he was gone. But I knew I needed to get used to that. Because he was gone, and he wasn't coming back. Not for me, not for Gideon... not for anyone.

"The funeral is today, baby. We were waiting on you to wake up. What do you remember?" He asked, stroking my hair and easing me back down onto the bed gently. My head was pounding and my body felt heavy, I definitely needed the rest.

"I remember shooting that bitch, Cassidy... I remember... Killian..." My voice trailed off, fresh tears threatening to spill out of my eyes again. I looked up at the ceiling and sniffled once, pushing the tears back. I wouldn't cry right now, I needed to be strong. "And, that's all really..."

"Callahan is dead, baby. You killed him, too." Gideon said, a smile spreading across his face. Wait. I killed him? The memories started flooding my brain like a dam had been broken, and suddenly I remembered the way it felt to plunge my knife into his chest. To know that I was the one that had avenged Killian lifted some of the weight off of my own chest.

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