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After several hours, we were close to finalizing our plan for revenge. My brain felt like mush, and I knew there were still so many preparations to be taken care of before we got started. First, I needed to clear out some of my brothers and send them home to make room for our brothers in other charters. They would be arriving late tonight, and I knew most of them would need a place to lay their head. It was strange to think that I was assembling a small army, but I knew that was what needed to happen to make sure our plan played out the way it was supposed to.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, and instead of ignoring it like I normally would, something told me I needed to answer the incoming call. Without looking at the name flashing on the homescreen, I just brought the phone to my ear. "Yeah?" I asked gruffly.

"Gideon, I'm sorry I've missed your calls. I've been a little preoccupied the past few days. What can I help you with?" Callahan asked, he sounded slightly annoyed and I found myself curious as to what could have the usually composed 'businessman' so... frazzled.

"Yeah, I'm curious as to what the fuck you're up to?" I asked, trying my best to keep calm. Fury was bubbling up inside of me as I thought back to what happened to Emerson yesterday. The way she looked with blood caked on her face and the screams that came from her mouth when the doctor had to reset her broken nose. Callahan better pray he had no part in this, or so help me God there would be hell to pay for him.

"What are you talking about?" Callahan asked, I could hear genuine confusion in his voice. I could almost see his bushy brows raised all the way up to his forehead.

"This bullshit that's going down with Piniero. Him attacking my clubhouse, blowing up my fucking strip club, and almost beating my old lady to death!" I shouted, causing all of the people in the room to look at me and tense up. My anger had gotten the best of me on several occasions and I guess it made sense that everyone would be anxious about how I would react to certain situations-- but what man in his right mind wouldn't be upset about his girl being beaten? Anyone would be upset, and since I hadn't had the chance to exact my revenge, I had a lot of pent up anger just festering inside of me.

"Hold on, backtrack. What the hell are you talking about?" Callahan asked, it was rare for him to act like he didn't know what was going on. He seemed to have his fingers in every honeypot around. Needless to say, I was slightly taken aback.

"Don't act like you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, Callahan. I know you're working with Eddie, and I know you're helping him try to sabotage my club. You better not let me fucking find out you had something to do with the attack on my old lady, either!" I was yelling again. My anger was getting the best of me and I had no intentions on calming down, either.

"First of all, Gideon, why would I work with a low level, wannabe gangster like Eduardo? Second of all, why would I sabotage your club? You guys bring in a lot of revenue for me, I have no need to be rid of you, and if I did, I would do it myself. Lastly, hurting women isn't my thing-- especially not women that are as good looking as yours is." Callahan stated simply, I pictured him reclining in his fancy leather chair and sipping on some fucking name brand scotch that tasted the same as any other scotch.

My mind ran over the things he had just said to me, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, he was making a lot of sense at the moment. Eddie was a pretty low level crime boss, which would make sense as to why he wanted to knock us off the map. He could take over our territory and start moving his own drugs into Luciana. We did do a lot of business for Callahan, we sold guns to several surrounding areas and were never late with payments-- we had even had to up our purchases lately with surrounding gang wars picking up. Sure, part of me felt guilty for supplying the guns that had taken so many lives, but as long as my town and the people I cared about were safe, that was all that mattered to me honestly. Like I said before, I was pretty selfish. I had also never known Callahan to harm a woman before, so I could trust his word when it came to that... couldn't I?

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