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The name almost sounded foreign coming out of that piece of shit's mouth, and for a brief moment, I regretted beating him to death. I needed more answers, I needed to know what part Callahan played in all of this. Sure, Greyson said that Callahan set all of this in motion, but why? What would Callahan get out of everything? And what role had he been playing since the beginning? I knew I needed answers. I knew I couldn't go straight to Callahan either, he was too smart and his empire was too big. There was no way we could get on our bikes and go there tonight, kick in the door and demand answers.

If Callahan was half as smart as I knew he was, he already knew that I knew something was up. He knew I would know all about his involvement... unless he trusted Greyson and Emerson's father. Unless he didn't think they would give him up, no matter the cost. He wouldn't have been entirely wrong, though. Greyson wasn't going to give Callahan up, he used his dying breath to let us know that Callahan was involved, and it was probably the kindest thing he had ever done in his life for Emerson. I just waned this nightmare to be over for her. I wanted her to be safe, happy... but it seemed like each moment I got a step closer to ensuring her happiness, there was something in the way preventing that. She deserved happiness, she deserved peace, and I wouldn't rest until she had that. I sat there for a few moments, looking down at Greyson's still frame-- no longer breathing. His heart not beating. No longer capable of hurting my sweet Emerson, and I felt fear for her again. I knew that Callahan wouldn't physically harm her, but I knew that her pain wasn't over yet. Not until Callahan was dead.

I heard the dull thud of a body hitting the floor, and glanced over my shoulder to see Emerson collapse. Guilt flooded through me instantly, and I wanted to beat myself up for being so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice how close Emerson was to passing out. My heart skipped a beat and I rushed over to her as fast as my legs could carry me. Exhaustion was setting in, but I had to take care of her. I could tell she was breathing shallowly, and I knew we had to get her help fast. We should have brought the SUV with us, but I wasn't planning on any of this happening tonight. I should have been home, laying in my bed next to my fiancé, talking about wedding plans and children and planning our life out from here, instead I hovered over her limp body and prayed to a God that I knew had abandoned me to take away her pain.

I gently slid my hands underneath her and lifted her delicately, clutching her body to my chest. She didn't make a sound. "Killian, follow close behind me. I'm going to have to hold her on the way back to the clubhouse, we don't have time for a truck to get here."

"I called one of the prospects when we got here, they're probably here now. I didn't know what we were working with, so I wanted to be safe." Killian said, his eyes wide and a look of panic and terror on his face. He was just as afraid as I was and I knew he would do anything he could to make sure Emerson was safe and well taken care of. I nodded at him and grunted, slowly carrying Emerson towards the entrance. I hadn't thought this far ahead, because I realized now that the only way in or out was the ladder in front of me. "I'm sorry, baby, this is going to be uncomfortable." I whispered to her. I positioned her body over my shoulder and ascended the ladder, Killian was waiting to help us both up, and I couldn't help but notice the jealousy that flashed in his eyes, even if for a brief second. I wanted to be angry with him, but for the sake of Em, I did my best to understand how he must be feeling at this moment.

He gave me a short nod and we made our way towards our bikes, the vision of our SUV in the distance eased my worry slightly. The prospect sat behind the wheel and I could see the shock on his face. He jumped out quickly and opened the back door where I climbed and in continued to cradle Emerson close to me. "Reg," I said to the man in the passengers seat that was eyeing me with wide eyes. "Take my bike back to the clubhouse, and if anything happens to it I will personally see to it that you can't ride any bike ever again." He nodded hastily and jumped out of the vehicle. The prospect pulled out of the vacant lot and made his way towards the clubhouse, as the sun rose over the horizon.

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