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The ride home with Killian was quiet, but thoroughly enjoyable

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The ride home with Killian was quiet, but thoroughly enjoyable. He had my bags secure on the back of his bike, and I was sitting behind him, my arms resting around his waist, and his spare helmet secured tightly on my head. I'm sure I looked extremely out of place on the back of his bike, I still wasn't used to using two wheels as a means of transportation. Killian turned into the parking lot of my apartment, unloaded all of my bags, and followed me to my apartment, chatting away about how Luciana was a tiny town, but at least the view was worth it. Luciana was surrounded by small valleys, and overlooked some of the most beautiful desert scenery I had ever seen. I unlocked the door and pushed it open, "You can come in for a minute if you'd like." I told him with a small smile.

Killian walked into my dingy apartment with his chest out, the veins hidden underneath his tattooed arm were almost popping out of his skin until he deposited my bags on the couch, stretching his fingers to get the blood flowing back to them again.

"Cute place, I'm sure it'll look great once you get some decorations in here." He commented, glancing around my apartment before meeting my eyes with a smile on his face. "As much as I'd like to stay and hang out for a bit, I've got to get back. It was a pleasure spending time with you this afternoon." He grinned at me and strode across the room quickly, embracing me in his arms. I stood frozen for a few moments, it had been quite a while since someone had actually hugged me so suddenly, and I was a bit unsure how to take this small gesture. I decided him a gentle pat on the back would suffice.

Killian let me go and took a step back, his big grin still plastered on his face. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." He told me with a shrug. Nothing could bruise this guys ego, it seems. I offered him an awkward smile.

"It's okay, thanks again for today. I really appreciate it." I told him, shoving my hands into the back pockets of my jeans.

"Don't mention it." He smiled at me before offering me a half wave and turning to walk out of the door. I smiled after him, and the smile remained on my face for a few minutes after he had shut the door behind him. Finally, I came to my senses and locked the door behind him, letting out a slow breath.

I crossed my living room in a few steps, unpacking all of the things that I had gotten today while shopping. I was surprised I found so many little things in one shopping mall, I guess when you only have one mall you have to cram as many stores as you can in such a small place. I had found a few vintage photos of plants to hang on the empty wall space in my living room, and a few items I could use for a terrarium.

I had always loved plants and gardening, my mother had her own garden when I was younger, and I remember seeing her at her highest points when she was busying herself in the garden. I loved to help her plant new succulents from the leaves of others, sometimes she would even let me re-pot the cactuses that she was so fond of. She had these two fig trees that sat at the entrance of our home, and my job was to water them daily. They were our plants, and it was my job to help them grow, just as my mother had helped me.

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