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Killian and I were running down the hallway at a speed I didn't think was achievable. I had told everyone to regroup in the main room of Eddie's warehouse when the area was clear, and I found them all cheering and drinking beers they had found behind the bar. They were starting the celebration early, and I couldn't blame them. Hell, I would have joined them, but the only thing that was waiting for me back home was gone now, I had no reason to celebrate. The look on our faces must have alarmed my brothers, because they fell completely silent once we found them.

"Pres, what's going on?" Gino asked, the beer he was about to sip was hovering in front of his mouth. I couldn't speak, I just stood there, my mind running wild. Where would he have taken her? Where could she be? I knew he hated me for taking his patch, for taking his leadership from him, but I was still his son. How could he do this to me? This was the ultimate form of betrayal.

"Ray took Emerson." Killian managed to choke out. I was grateful that he was there, because there was no way I could repeat those words again. It hurt too much. It was painful. She was gone. He took her from me. I had to get her back. I wouldn't rest until I had her safely in my arms again.

My brothers were pissed, and the cheers of happiness quickly turned into cries for justice and revenge. Every eye was focused on me now, and I knew they were looking to me for answers. For guidance... guidance that I couldn't give them. They had questions that not even I had the answers to. I couldn't think properly. How was I supposed to lead them on some quest for revenge when I didn't know where to start?

"Aggie? Is Ray at the clubhouse?" Killian was on the phone, and his words sounded so far away right now. I couldn't focus on anything around me. It was like I was outside of my body, looking down on a horrifying scene that was unraveling in front of me.

"Okay, I need you to stay calm. Ray has taken Emerson. Do you know where he would have taken her?" He was asking, and I could almost hear my mothers frantic voice on the other end of the line. She hadn't expressed her feelings about Emerson openly, but I knew she already accepted her as a daughter-in-law. My mother saw the way Emerson treated me, and she knew how I felt about her, so she knew what this would do to me. Even if she didn't care about Emerson, she would do everything in her power to make sure that she was safe, because losing her son wasn't an option.

"Okay, anywhere else?" Killian asked. He grunted once and then hung up the phone, rubbing his temples again. I had never been more thankful for his presence than I was right now. He had stepped up and gone above and beyond his role as a Vice President just now. He had done what I couldn't do, and that was act under extreme duress and pull himself together long enough to get a lead on the woman I loved. The woman we loved.

"Alright, half of you are coming with me. The other half is going with Gideon. We will not go home until she's found." Killian was barking orders and I found myself thinking that if I found Emerson, I would take her away from all the bullshit surrounding my club. I would get her out of here for as long as she wanted. If it was forever, then forever would work. I could live with that.

"Hey, Gideon. I know you're upset. I know you're pissed, but you've got to snap out of it. You can't help her if you just stand here and stew in your own anger." Killian put his hands on my shoulders. "Emerson needs you. Wake the fuck up. Let's go." He said, shaking me slightly. I stared at him for another minute, doing my best to come out of the trance I was in, but I just couldn't. It wasn't working. I was in shock. I was numb. "Gideon, she's going to die if you just stand here. Come on!" Those were the words I needed to hear.

Like I had been struck by lightning, I jolted forward, passing Killian and my brothers and walking towards my bike. "Prospects, stay here. Watch this area. Keep an eye on the kids." I said over my shoulder, kicking the door open for a second time tonight and crossing the dim parking lot faster than I thought I was capable of. My heart was pounding, and the adrenaline was coursing through my veins once again. I was on a mission to get my girl back.

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