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That night, when Gideon's plush duvet, arms, and snores engulfed my senses, I found myself unable to sleep. I was playing over everything he had told me earlier, about Eduardo and his crew, about his meeting with Dillon, and their plan to exact revenge. He didn't leave out a single detail, not even when he noticed his fathers strange facial expression. I thought it was strange as well, his father had been unusually quiet about his usurping, and I knew a man like him wouldn't lie down and take something as humiliating as being stripped of your leadership... especially by your son.

I hadn't spoken to Aggie since the incident happened, and I figured it was best if I didn't pry, but maybe I should talk to her? See if I can get in her good graces and hopefully get some useful information to Gideon-- anything could help him, and that was all I wanted, was to help him however I could. Right now, though, I could help his tired body by laying next to him and comforting him in the best way I knew how, which was to love him unconditionally-- a feat that I didn't have a problem in fulfilling.

I wasn't sure what time I had finally fallen asleep, but it was longer after the laughter and music came from the common area. The clubhouse had been completely silent, and I found myself longing for the comfort of knowing there were others alive and thriving around me. It seemed like I had grown used to being around the club, and it wasn't something I had realized until the silence took over me and I was afraid.

I was afraid of the things I was capable of now. Having come so close to death had taught me that I wouldn't hold back, no matter the circumstances. I would fight for what was mine, I would defend my new family, my new home, and the man that was made for me. And that all started with Cassidy. I needed to see her tomorrow, before Gideon was too deep in planning his revenge. I needed to take care of her so I could think clearly and help Gideon with his revenge on the club-- I needed revenge of my own.

When the sun came creeping in through the cracks in the curtains, I jolted awake with certainty. I wasn't tired, no, I was energized and I was ready. Cassidy had no idea which bitch she was fucking with when she plunged that knife into me, and I had every intention of showing her just who I was. The pain in my side was much more manageable now that I had been moving around and showering, and I knew that movement was the key to healing quickly, I guess it all made sense why Gideon never slowed down-- slowing down showed weakness, and that wasn't something I could afford in my life at this point.

Maybe all the years spent running hadn't done me any good. All it had really done was hardened me, made me close myself off to all the shitty things in my past. I thought I had healed from those wounds, but it seemed like running did nothing but allow them to fester within me and ruin me further. But I refused to run, and I would heal from my wounds both past and present, by meeting them headfirst. I wouldn't wear my heart on my sleeve, but I would keep it visible for everyone to see. Loving Gideon had saved me in more ways than one, and I was ready for everyone to see the new Emerson. Hell, part of me wanted to go back to my hometown and look Clary in her eyes and cause her the pain that she caused me, but all in due time I suppose.

I silently climbed out of bed, the pain a constant reminder that I was stronger than all of the bullshit I had endured. I slipped into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my makeup bag. I hadn't worn any makeup since the night at the club, and I wanted to look like a fucking goddess when I saw Cassidy later on today, just so she would know who the better woman was. It was petty, sure, but my nickname in high school had been Petty Betty so it wasn't that much of a surprise.

I had just finished applying my final coat of mascara when Gideon soundlessly opened the bathroom door and wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulders and his lips delicately placing kisses up the side of my neck. "What are you doing awake so early? I know for a fact you barely slept last night, you need to rest baby." His rough yet gentle hands ran through my hair and up my sides underneath his large shirt and I felt the goosebumps beginning to form over my skin. He was the only man who could make me feel this way, and I had no doubt in my mind that my mothers words were true-- he was the one for me, I could feel it with every fiber of my being.

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