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Monday morning, or rather afternoon, I woke up alone in Gideon's bed. Somehow, I had gotten completely tangled in his sheets and I found myself struggling to break free of their feathery soft hold. Finally, I managed to get out of his bed and I padded along the floor barefoot, making my way for his bathroom. I didn't hear the shower running, but I could hear the sink on. I nudged the door open and was met with the glorious sight of Gideon's bare back. His black and grey skin, intricately marked with tattoos I could only hope to hear the story behind adorned his back, and as he brushed his teeth, the muscles rippled across his skin like the wake left behind a large boat in a canal.

"Good afternoon." He offered me, his voice still husky and toothpaste clinging to his facial hair slightly. I couldn't help but smile at his casual greeting, and as the events of last night came flooding through my mind, I couldn't help but blush a little-- knowing that he knew some of the darkest parts of my past and still chose to sleep next to me last night was a feeling that could only be described as slightly overwhelming. He had heard about my shitty ex and still curled me against his chest and held me as we drifted off to a dreamless sleep, and that was something I don't think I would ever be able to get over, something I could never repay him for.

"Good morning to you, too." I offered him a smile and bumped my hip into his, scooting him over so I could brush my teeth with the packaged toothbrush he had left out for me. He smiled at me through the mirror and returned to brushing his teeth as I unwrapped the packaging. We stayed like that for a few silent minutes, brushing our teeth and enjoying the peaceful silent. Gideon was the type of man who didn't need to fill the silence with meaningless conversation, and that was something I could appreciate about him. He was always so good at reading my emotions and facial expressions, so he always seemed to know what to do.

Last night, I had been so embarrassed and worried while I told Gideon part of my story. I was sure that when I was through, or even before I got to finish, that he would start running for the hills. Tell me to get my shit and get out of his room, and to get out of Luciana. I knew he would do whatever he could to protect his brothers and his town, so I just knew he didn't want to risk having a serial killer potentially show up-- on the hunt for his ex girlfriend and potential next victim. It was a nerve-wracking night, full of 'what ifs' and anxiety, and I had been pleasantly surprised when Gideon's lips molded against mine in a heated kiss (or makeout session I mean honestly it's whatever you want to call it at this point because fuck it was incredible).

The way he listened as I stumbled my way through the story, how he knew all the right times to give me a reassuring touch or back away when he knew I was most vulnerable had made my heart do weird things. It was like a constant constricting pain, but it hurt in the best way possible. It was like he was melting the ice around my heart that I hadn't realized had grown so thick-- nearly impenetrable. He was amazing, and I kicked myself for even considering a relationship with Killian when this man was standing in front of me, plain as day.

"Big plans for this afternoon?" I asked him as he pulled a shirt over his tattooed chest and shrugged his cut on his broad shoulders. Damnit, he really was mouthwatering, with his messy hair hanging past his shoulders. He smelled like leather and sandalwood, with a hint of spice to it and it was the best scent I had ever taken in.

"Yeah, got some club business to discuss with the guys. Gotta discuss the new building, meet with a few people... stuff I can't disclose with you, at least not yet." He said, flashing me a smile and winking at me. I tilted my head to the side slightly confused. "I can't tell you too many details until you become a club member or my ole lady, and I don't think the timing is quite right to make you my old lady."

Okay, that hurt a little. Sure, I wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to be in a relationship just yet, but knowing that he didn't really want that made my heart twinge a bit, I had bared my soul to him last night and he wasn't even thinking about a relationship? Had he just used me for information? Felt sorry for me because of everything I had told him last night and pitied me, so he allowed me the small comfort of sharing his bed again?

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