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That night, as usual, my memories were back to haunt me in their favorite form— nightmares

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That night, as usual, my memories were back to haunt me in their favorite form— nightmares.
It seemed as though no matter what I did before bed, I couldn't get a solid night of sleep without reliving the horrors of my past; and pushing away somebody that could possibly help me get past that— and tonight was no different...

It had started off like any normal dream, I was happy, we were happy, he was happy; and on those rare occasions, things were great.

Greyson came bursting through the front door, a wide grin on his face. He had been out all night, most likely drinking with his friends. I wanted to be angry with him, but if he was already this happy, who was I to start an argument?

"Good morning, baby girl. Did you miss me last night?" He had asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. He smelled like whiskey.
"I did miss you, Grey. Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming home?" I asked, treading water. Maybe I could get some information if I just eased into it lightly instead of making wild accusations.
"I'm sorry, babe, we just got caught up. But I did get you something." He told me, digging in the pockets of his jacket. I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter, raising an eyebrow questioningly. After a few minutes he finally managed to fish out a small box, with blue fabric around it. He handed it to me and took a step backwards, shoving his hands in his pocket and eyeing me hopefully. I carefully opened the box and gave an audible gasp when I saw its contents.

There was a beautiful, silver bracelet with a diamond pendant shaped like a crescent moon. It was breathtaking, and it meant the world to me that he actually remembered how much I loved the moon, and the stars. How could I not? He hung them in the sky for me. My Greyson, the keeper of the moon and stars. He was my everything.

"Where did you get this, Grey? It's... it's beautiful." I told him, my words were barely above a whisper; I think I may have truly been in shock. This Greyson was so caring, he was thoughtful, and I could actually see the life in his eyes again. It was the Greyson I fell in love with.

"It's something I've been working on for the past couple of days." He told me with a big smile. He crossed the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me again, sliding the bracelet onto my wrist and fastening it for me. Everything felt okay. Everything felt normal-- but normalcy never lasted long for me...

"Ma'am? Do you recognize any of these women?" The police officer was asking me. The scene had changed abruptly from the dingy kitchen that Grey and I shared together to the bright, fluorescent lights of the local police station. I was sitting in a room filled with uncomfortable, squishy leather chairs. There was a police officer and two men in suits standing across the room from me. I recognized the local officer, her name was Raina Clemons. She was only a few years older than I was, and she had several photographs laid out in front of me.

"Why am I here, again?" I asked, slightly confused. I took a sip of the coffee they had offered me, it was gross, definitely instant brew coffee. I set the cup down on the desk and scanned the photos in front of me.

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