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When Kya and myself arrived back at her apartment that night, I realized that I had to get my things back from the clubhouse. I wouldn't be returning there for quite some time, and I didn't have anything other than the clothes on my back and the ones I wore yesterday with me. I couldn't exactly go out to the club tomorrow wearing something dirty, and even though Kya continuously offered to let me use her closet, I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing her clothes when I had enough of my own.

"Hey, Kya?" I asked her as we settled in for the night. I was changing into pajamas in her bedroom before I went into the spare room to go to sleep, I was okay with being alone tonight-- in fact I think I needed it. I hadn't really had a chance to be truly alone for a while and I was looking forward to the quiet tranquility that hopefully overcame me while I lay awake tonight.

"Yeah, girl, what's up?" She asked, pulling a tanktop over her head.

"Do you think you'd be willing to take me by the clubhouse in the morning? I really would like to get the rest of my things and I don't exactly want to walk there." I told her with a chuckle. Kya plopped down on her bed and grabbed a joint from her nightstand. I was thankful that she liked to smoke weed just as much as I did, because in times like these it was a much needed brief escape.

"Sure thing, we can go when we wake up." She said chirpily, passing the joint to me after taking a few puffs.

"Sounds good, do you mind if I borrow a pair of shorts or something? I don't want to look like I'm doing the walk of shame from tonight's clothes." I said with a laugh, she nodded and leaned back against the pillows. The two of us talked for a few more minutes about our customers from the night and laughed at stupid jokes while we shared the joint with one another. When it was put out, I got up and went into her spare bedroom. The silence was deafening, but I barely had any time to think because just as soon as my head hit the pillows, I drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a loud banging noise in the living room. My heart was hammering so loudly in my chest I thought it would burst out of the skin. What was going on? Surely Greyson wouldn't be able to find me here at Kya's house? I grabbed my gun from my bag on the floor and gripped it tightly in my hand, slowly edging towards the door. I listened for voices but only heard muffled grumbling so I wrenched the door open as quickly as I could. I let out a scream when I found the barrel of my gun resting inches away from Kya's forehead, her arms raised up and a look of terror on her face.

"Dude what the fuck?!" She yelled, frozen in fear. Fuck, I guess she didn't know much of anything about my past. I guess it would be strange to be met with a gun to your head in your own apartment, especially if you had no idea it was even there in the first place.

"Sorry, I heard a loud noise and I automatically assumed the worst." I said, turning to put the gun back in my bag on the floor. "What the fuck are you even doing in there this early in the morning?" I asked, piling my hair up messily on top of my head.

"Well, I was moving some furniture around and was on my way to wake you up before you decided you were gonna blow my fucking head off!" She hissed angrily before turning away from me and stomping her way back into the living room. I knew she wasn't mad at me, I had just caught her off guard and scared her. I felt bad, truly, and I had to make it up to her somehow.

"I'm sorry, Ky. I'll let you pick out what I'm wearing tonight if you'll forgive me?" I said, plopping down onto the couch that was now on the opposite side of the room. She turned around slowly, a large grin spreading across her face.

"Well," She started, her hands on her hips. "I have already forgiven you, but since you offered, that sounds great. I never get to play dress up with other people, this is going to be so much fun!" She squealed and turned around at the sound of her coffee pot dinging. She grabbed two mugs and poured us both a cup before bringing me my mug. I smiled graciously.

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