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I don't think biker parties were anything I would ever get used to. When Gideon and I arrived at the clubhouse, he immediately made his way inside to greet his brothers from the other charters. My eyes swept the crowded parking lot in search for a familiar, friendly face... hoping to see Kya. She wasn't on lockdown like I was, but she had been hanging around since the explosion, spending time with Gino. I was happy for her, happy to know that even if she was still grieving the end of her relationship with Eddie— she was finding comfort somewhere. And who was I to judge her for leaving one mans bed and jumping into another? She was a grown woman, and she could make her own choices.

I spotted her at a wooden picnic table underneath a covered awning, a beer in her hand and Gino clinging to her every word. She laughed animatedly and when her sparkling brown eyes finally landed on me, she squealed loudly and got the attention of everyone around. "I've been waiting on you!" She shouted, jumping up from the table and running towards me, extending her arms and finally wrapping me in a bone-crushing hug. "How did you like the house?!"

I should have known she was already informed about the house. My house. Our house. I smiled at the thought of it. "It was perfect, warm and cozy— almost identical to the dream house I was telling you about ." I lifted an accusing brow at her and crossed my arms over my chest. "How long have you known?"

"I knew the second you told Gideon you'd move in with him. Well, maybe not the exact second... but he did call me and ask me if I knew what you'd like." She said, chugging the rest of her beer and throwing the glass bottle in the nearby trash can. "Now, lets get you a glass of whiskey so we can celebrate!" She threw her arm carelessly over my shoulders and together we walked inside of the clubhouse, avoiding several unfamiliar bodies on the way.

The prospect wasn't behind the bar tonight, instead he had been replaced by two of the bartenders that usually worked at Tilly's. When they saw Kya and myself approaching, they started gathering our drinks for us. I guess being their boss had a few perks, right? Kya handed me a glass of Jameson neat and a beer, while she held a shot of tequila and a beer. "To my very best friend! May you live a happy life with your totally hot biker boyfriend in your perfect little home!" She said, clinking her glass against mine. I couldn't help but laugh as I took a long swig of my drink. "Now, come on. Catch up, I've been drinking for the past two hours!"

The two of us stood at the bar for a while, drinking and gossiping like two old friends who hadn't seen each other in weeks. We talked about how easily her breakup with Eddie went (again), how she was so sad earlier today but she was feeling better now (I'm sure it was just the copious amounts of alcohol in her system), how she was so excited for Gideon and me and how I deserved to be happy after all the years of bullshit I had been through, and finally our conversation had drifted towards how Killian was coping with mine and Gideon's relationship.

"Well, he did corner me in the kitchen the other morning." I told her, finishing off my second beer and picking up the third one. I was starting to feel a little buzz now, and I had successfully avoided speaking to anyone other than Kya so far. I couldn't see Gideon anywhere, so I could only assume he was talking with the other President's in Chapel.

"Oh, God. What was that about? What did he say?" She asked me, chugging a glass of water. I had forced her to drink at least two glasses of water so she would be coherent for the rest of the night. I would be miserable if I had to make small talk with the other bikers, it definitely wasn't high on my list of 'things to do' tonight.

"Well, he started the conversation off like he was concerned about me being out of bed. Asking what I was doing and telling me that Gideon would be pissed if he knew I was up making breakfast for everyone." I started, getting irritating and taking too big of a gulp of my whiskey which made me cough loudly. After regaining my composure, I continued my story. Kya was leaning forward, waiting anxiously for more. "Then, he quickly got to the point he was trying to make in the first place-- saying that Gideon would not be happy with me walking around the clubhouse in nothing more than his shirt and boxers." I rolled my eyes and watched as Kya did the same and scoffed loudly.

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