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I couldn't believe how quickly I had lost my temper earlier. Just seeing him making Emerson uncomfortable was enough to send me over the edge, hearing him call her a whore had driven the final nail in his coffin. I would deal with the repercussions of my actions later, I knew his President wouldn't appreciate me killing off one of his patched members, but honestly I could give a fuck less. I was the President of the mother charter, which meant that although the other Presidents were technically my equals, I did have some power over them. Our charter set the tone for all of the others, and I needed to let it be known that one thing I would never stand for was for women to be disrespected, especially my woman. The biker queen.

After Emerson and I had cleaned our faces free of Leonard's blood and we were making our way back to the party, she stopped me in the doorway and turned me to face her. "Gideon..." She said, I didn't like the tone of her voice. It was too serious, and it had me worried. Had what I said about marrying her earlier been a mistake? Should I have just kept it to myself?

"Yes ma'am?" I asked, searching her face for a sign of what she was thinking.

"When we get home, I've got to tell you something... I know we've got to stay here for a bit longer, make sure everything goes back to normal, but whenever you finish talking to whoever you need to talk to, can we go home?" She asked. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect woman, honestly. She knew that I had to smooth things over with the other Presidents. She was born for this life, and I was thankful to have her here by my side.

"Absolutely, baby. Just give me an hour or so and we can get the hell out of here. Thank you for being you. Thank you for understanding. I love you." I told her with a smile. She returned my smile with a warm grin of her own before standing up on her tip-toes and placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"I love you too, Gideon." She whispered, entwining our fingers together and following me back outside. When I opened the door, everyone was acting as if a brother wasn't just murdered right here. Which, for most of the club members was no big deal, however there were several people here tonight that weren't brothers of the charter. We had brought in some girls from out of town and some of the hang-arounds were present, and I knew that they weren't exactly used to seeing someone so blatantly murdered in front of so many other people. Bear, the President of our closest charter came walking up to me, a beer in one hand and the other hand shoved deeply into the pocket of his cut. I could tell he was pissed, but he wasn't trying to punch me so I knew we would come to an agreement.

"Gideon." He said sharply. He looked at Emerson and nodded his head in greeting. "Emerson." She returned his nod and squeezed my hand gently.

"I'm gonna go find Kya. Come find me if you need me." She said. I nodded down at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. I watched her as she walked away, mesmerized by her beauty-- fuck I was one lucky bastard.

"That's a hell of a woman you've got there, Gideon." Bear said, gesturing towards Emerson. "Not many women can stand there and not even flinch when someone gets their head blown off in front of them." His laughter was dry, and I could tell he was still struggling with the fact that I had killed off his Road Captain.

"Yeah, she's a badass, that's for sure." I told him, smiling. He was right, she was stronger than any of them could ever understand.

"I've gotta admit... I'm a little pissed that you chose my Road Captain to be the one to set an example." Bear said, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Maybe you should have chose a better Road Captain, then. He was pretty bold to treat a woman like that in front of everyone. I'm sure it wasn't the first time he acted this way." I said, crossing my arms in front of me. There was no way anyone could be so blatant towards women the way he was without being that way for quite some time. I felt myself growing angry again. How many women had he forced to do the things he wanted without the issue being addressed?

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