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I was fucking irritated. Today had not gone as planned, not even at all. We were supposed to find out who had been driving that beat up old Volvo, but couldn't get anything more than it was purchased in Louisiana. It didn't set off any alarms in my head, I knew Emerson was from there, but I had no reason to believe that it was someone for her. She had just gotten into town, and we had no affiliations with the Muerte-- there was no reason that they would know anything about her.

Unless, of course, Callahan's men had said something to him. Why would they, though? I had done my best to make it abundantly clear during the gala that Emerson and I weren't serious, surely they couldn't have known we were lying. Our relationship hadn't even started then. No, I wouldn't let that worry me. For all I knew, they were moving their drugs into Louisiana or vice-versa.

On top of not finding out any more information on the Volvo, I wasn't able to get in touch with Callahan. The blood drive was in a few days and we needed to meet before then.  Ray was nowhere to be found, and I really didn't want to have to put a tail on him, I didn't need him knowing that I suspected he was acting shady. I needed to talk to my mom, and I needed to find out what he had told her about his cheating... with fucking Linda.

I rolled up at my moms house and turned off my bike, taking the stairs quickly. She opened the door before I even had the chance to know, and before I knew what was happening my mom was swatting at me with the paper as I tried to duck into the dining room. "The fuck, ma?" I yelled, shielding my face from the blows.

"You stripped your fathers patch? Have you no respect, boy?" She was shrieking madly, and it dawned at me that she had no idea what had happened. Ray was feeding her fucking lies, the bastard.

"Ma, calm down!" I yelled, anger getting the best of me. She immediately flung the paper to the ground and stared at me. "What did he tell you?"

"He told me you stripped him of his patch because you didn't agree with him, and that the other guys backed you up." She hissed. I couldn't believe the audacity my dad had right now, and I know for a fact that none of the other guys knew about it either, they wouldn't stand for that shit just as well as I don't.

"Did he really?" I asked, my voice low. I wasn't going to be the one to tell my mom, break her heart. That was his job, his punishment, and I was so pissed that he hadn't done that yet. "Well, you might want to call him and tell him to get his lying ass home, because that's exactly what he did to you was lie."

"What do you mean?" She asked, her face twisting in confusion. I knew I wasn't going to stick around to see the backlash of the argument that was looming over the horizon, so I just kissed the top of her head before backing out of the door.

"Just call him and tell him I came by and he needs to get home now. He'll tell you the real truth. You know I would never strip him of his patch if I didn't have a good reason, and I didn't have other people that agreed. You know we have to vote to strip a member of their patch, and you know that vote has to be unanimous. I love you ma, call me if you need me." I told her, and with that, I made my way back to my bike. I needed to get back to the clubhouse and make sure everything is going the way it should be before I head up to Tilly's to check on Emerson-- it was her first night back and I wanted to make sure she was taking it easy.

I got back to the clubhouse and made my way inside, it was getting late and I wanted to make sure as much was taken care of as possible. When the door shut behind me, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I was hoping it wasn't more bad news, I had had enough of that for today.

"Yeah?" I asked without even checking the caller ID. Emerson's voice was frantic and I felt myself tensing up immediately.

"Gideon, I think you need to get up here now. I don't know what's going on, Kya's boyfriend is here." She was talking so fast her words were starting to jumble together-- she must have been spending time with Teck today.

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