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I thought Emerson was sexy, and had since the moment I first laid eyes on her, but seeing her defend me and claim me the way she had with Cassidy was a whole new level of sexy I didn't think was possible when it came to her. I had been so scared for a minute whenever Cassidy had tackled her to the ground, but watching her defend herself and lose herself to the demon within was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. It showed me that she would fight for what she loved until her last breath, and it meant that she was strong enough to be with me. It proved that she was fit to be in this world, in my world, and I was beyond grateful for that. Beyond grateful for her.

Unease settled in the pit of my stomach when I released Cassidy, she was free to go wherever she pleased, as long as she worked for Emerson at Tilly's. It was a weird request, I suppose, but I saw Emerson's point of view. Nothing would hurt Cassidy more than knowing that I belonged to Emerson, and seeing the two of us together. Emerson was smart, much smarter than most people would give her credit for, which I liked, it meant that they would underestimate her when it came to most things, and she would prove them wrong in every situation-- just like she had proven me wrong.

I didn't say anything as Emerson and I crossed the lot of the clubhouse and made our way back to my room. I knew she needed time to cool down and process everything that had just happened, so I kept my mouth shut and held her hand, offering her support in the best way I knew how. She let go of my hand as I unlocked the door and led her into my room quietly. She took a seat at the foot of my bed and stared forward at the wall, I could see the gears turning in her mind as she processed everything.

"Do you think I should have killed her?" She asked suddenly, her voice was flat and her eyes were focused on some far away place I couldn't begin to understand. I knelt down in front of her and gently cupped her face with my hands.

"Baby, I think you made the decision that was best for you." I told her. I had to admit, at first I thought she was making a mistake by leaving a crazy bitch like Cassidy alive, but I knew she had compassion. She wasn't yet hardened by this lifestyle and I was glad to know that she had some humility left inside of her. But a part of me was afraid that Cassidy wouldn't just lay down and take her punishment. That one day, whether it be a month from now or a year from now, she would eventually get her revenge. Cassidy may be a junkie, but from what I knew of her, I knew she would want to get back at Emerson. For embarrassing her in front of me, and for making her watch the two of us happy together.

"I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass." Emerson said, placing one of her hands on top of my own. She offered me a weak smile and it pained me to see her eye bruising and her lip split. There was blood trickling down her chin and I wiped it away gently, smiling at her still.

"It won't baby, but if it does, I'll protect you." I told her honestly, leaning down and kissing her lip gently. The taste of her blood was sweet, and I knew that she would always be the one for me.

"I love you." She said confidently with a smile.

"And I love you, too." I told her.

After I left Emerson that morning, I met my brothers in chapel, where we would begin strategically planning our revenge. I had to admit that I was shocked when I found out that Callahan's men were meeting with Eddie and his crew in secrecy. I didn't believe they knew that we had surveillance on their clubhouse, that much was obvious to me when they continued to meet with Pierce and Conor. But what were they planning so intently that meant they had to meet more than once? What was going on that meant they had to see each other face to face rather than speaking over the phone? Sure, plotting mass murder wasn't something that you just wanted to talk about over the phone, but if they were smart enough they wouldn't be caught.

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