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Fuck, my head was pounding. Where even was I right now? Shit, I should not have drank that much. But, in my defense, I wasn't trying to think about the fact that any minute now, I would be getting an email or a phone call with information about Greyson's trial. I didn't want to think about what today would bring, so I drowned my sorrows in several shots of whiskey, a joint or two from Gideon's stash, and a bottle of wine with Kya before I managed to pass out in Kya's spare bedroom, which is where I found myself now, remembering the events from last night.

I was grateful that it had been just Kya and I at her apartment last night and that her new boyfriend, Eddie, had decided to stay home when he found out that I would be staying with her for a few days. When I told her it was weird that her boyfriend didn't want to meet her friends, she assured me that he just wasn't ready to make their relationship public, that he had a few enemies and they didn't need to know about her, he was only thinking of her safety. Which, honestly, seemed like bullshit to me. I couldn't judge her for being in a relationship with a dangerous man, seeing as that was the only type of men I seemed to attract, but I did find it weird that it was so early on in the relationship and he was already refusing to meet her friends. When did they even spend time together?

I stood up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, stretching my limbs and doing my best to keep from retching onto the carpet... I definitely didn't need to drink that much any time soon, but if the outcome of Grey's trial today didn't go well, I knew I wouldn't follow my own advice any time soon. Certainly, a bad outcome was sure to send me into some downward, depressed spiral. I looked at the time, 11:45. Gideon would be here any minute to pick me up, and then we would spend the day doing God knows what so he could take my mind off of things, and I was grateful for that.

I heard the sound of a motorcycle rumbling ever closer, and I pulled some shorts on and threw my hair up, running into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth and try to eliminate the liquor smell on my breath. As I approached the front door, I heard a frantic knocking, very unlike the usual sharp raps that Gideon usually made. I wrenched the door open and was met by Gideon's frantic face, and I knew something was going on... something that I wasn't going to like, by the look in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, grabbing my face between his large, calloused hands. I placed my own hands over his and continued to stare at his face, screwing up my eyebrows in confusion-- I couldn't quite place the look that he wore.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why? Are you okay?" I removed my hands and put them on my hips, cocking one to the side. I needed answers, because seeing an unsettled Gideon wasn't something that I enjoyed looking at. He was always so sure of his movements, not fidgeting around like he was before me.

"Get your stuff, come on. I'll tell you when we get back to the clubhouse." He huffed, checking the door before he locked it behind him. He stood in Kya's living room as I went to the spare bedroom to grab my bag. I hadn't unpacked anything last night, it wasn't exactly on my list of priorities when I was piss drunk.

"Alright, I've got everything. Now what's going on with you?" I asked, setting my bag down at his feet. He reached down to grab my bag before answering.

"I'll tell you when we get to the clubhouse." He grunted, opening the door for me and guiding me to his bike, his hand never leaving the small of my back. Normally, I would have pressed him for answers, but I wouldn't allow my stubborn antics to get in the way.

After a short ride that consisted of Gideon turning his head in every direction most of the time, we arrived at the clubhouse. I climbed off the bike and tried to stretch my limbs, but Gideon was dragging me into the clubhouse behind him. He shut the door and continued leading me into his bedroom, his legs moving so fast that I was stumbling behind him trying to keep up. "Could you tell me what's got you in such a hurry? I'm not sleeping with you, you know?" I joked as he locked the bedroom door behind us and turned me to look into his eyes.

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