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"Oh, um, hi

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"Oh, um, hi. I slept well. How are you?" I asked Killian as my eyes scanned from his sandy brown hair to his feet, the same black boots that Gideon wore.


Gideon would be here any minute.

"I'm fine, thanks for askin'." He said, a smirk playing on his lips. His hands were in the pocket of his leather vest, and he kicked his toe at the ground.

"Um, I'm meeting someone here any minute. Is there a certain reason why you stopped by?" I asked, my voice came out a bit more harsh than I had intended for it to, but I wasn't really here to make friends. Although, Killian had been nothing but nice to me.

He scrunched his eyebrows for a brief second, and it looked like he had flinched back, but maybe I was just imagining it.

"Well, I just remembered the Hideout was closed on Sundays, and I had a few hours free so I figured I would see if you wanted to grab an early dinner?" He asked me, his eyes fixated on my boots as he kicked his own against the ground. Was he asking me out?

"Well, actually, Killian... I already have plans right now. Maybe we could—" I started, but was quickly cut off by the thundering sound of a motorcycle pulling into the lot beneath my apartment. That would be Gideon, I could only assume. I think Killian had put the pieces together at this point.

"Uh, Yeah. Right. Well um, I'll just be getting out of here." He said nervously as we heard the bike cut off beneath us. "Maybe we could take a rain check and do something another day, yeah?" He asked, backing away from me slowly. A smile crossed my face and I gave him a small nod, he turned and started walking away quickly to avoid Gideon. That didn't last long, though, because Gideon had just appeared on the second story and Killian had run right into him. They were too far away for me to hear, but they had a quick conversation and Killian's eyes didn't meet mine as he descended the stairs, and he looked slightly frustrated.

Gideon had finally made his way to my doorframe, and he stood in front of me, allowing me to take in the sight of him properly in the daylight.

His brown hair hung past his shoulders in soft waves, like the wake left behind a big boat. He was so tall, with wide shoulders that took up almost my entire doorframe. His tanned skin contrasted nicely with the tight black t shirt that clung to every muscle underneath it. His amber eyes were like liquid gold that I could get lost in for hours, if I'd only let myself. He was beautiful, he was intimidating, and he was absolutely fucking perfect. My eyes drifted to the tattoo that snaked its way up from his shoulders to his neck, sort of like Killian's, only Gideon's had more detail. He had intricate tattoos crawling up his left arm, and his right arm had significantly less artwork.

He had ripped black jeans, that I could only assume were a popular fashion statement for bikers in small towns in Texas. I smiled to myself before bringing my gaze back up to his face. I noticed the scar underneath his left eye and began to wonder how he had gotten it? A crazy knife fight? A motorcycle accident? Maybe just a childhood game gone wrong?

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