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By the time I had finally made my way inside, I noticed that some people clearly hadn't waited until 2 to start partying. There were bodies everywhere-- some passed out on couches with topless women draped over them, some barely able to stand as they stumbled their way from one end of the room to the other. I saw a messy, bright red bun seated at the bar-- talking loudly and fast paced, much faster than normal. Kya hadn't shown up tonight, she had already made plans to hang out with Eddy again, so I was alone-- all of my usual friends preoccupied with Vultures or already off somewhere, no doubt entertaining themselves with women as well.

I decided I would go talk to Killian, seeing as Gideon was in a booth in the corner of the room talking with Butters and Gino, where was Ray? I hadn't seen him all night, but it was late, I'm sure he was at home with Aggie somewhere. I shoved my way through a small group of Vultures, and I hadn't missed the way their eyes narrowed at me. They were obviously talking about Gideon, seeing as their eyes darted back to him quickly-- no surprise there, he seemed to be the object of everyone's affection... mine included.

"Hey!" I called out to Killian over the music, though he didn't notice. He was wrapped up in a conversation with a blonde Vulture, I couldn't remember her name... Leah, maybe? A few weeks ago, jealousy probably would have churned in my stomach, but now I was becoming quite used to us being friends, and jealousy was a monster that rarely reared its head whenever Killian was concerned.

"Emmy June!" Killian yelled loudly, his words slurring together slightly. He passed me a joint and I took it graciously. "Finish-that-how-was-work?" He said, too quickly. What the fuck was he on?

"Are you on coke?" I asked, shocked. I didn't have a problem with it, as long as he didn't allow it to become a habit-- who was I to stop a grown man from doing what he wanted? I wasn't really upset with the fact that he was doing coke, I was more upset about the numb feeling it would give him, and it worried me that he could pull a stitch without realizing. I would have to keep a close eye on him tonight to make sure he was alright and didn't hurt himself.

"Yeah-I-mean-it's-a-party-for-me!" The words spilled out of his mouth and I smiled at him, inhaling the joint before gesturing at the prospect, I needed a beer after this long night. He made his way over to me and smiled.

"Yeah, can I get a beer and two shots of Jameson?" I asked him, sliding a twenty dollar bill across the surface of the bar. He took it graciously and turned to get my order, setting it in front of me a few moments later. I slid the extra shot in front of Killian and he held it up high above his head.

"To the most beautiful girl in Luciana!" He yelled, and I didn't miss the look of disgust that Leah had given me when he turned his attention in my direction-- I brushed it off, I wasn't trying to get into any drama tonight, I had had enough already. I rolled my eyes and took my shot, finishing off the joint and putting it out in the ashtray. I slid off my stool and wandered off to the back door, eager to step outside and finally smoke a cigarette.

It was quiet behind the clubhouse, which was surprising considering how loud it had been inside... I guess the thick steel walls probably helped with the sound. I was happy to be alone, finally, after such a long exhausting night. It wasn't that I didn't mind the company, because I did. It was nice to not be so lonely after years of relying on just myself, but sometimes I could use a minute or two alone to have a breather and collect my thoughts. Since Killian was shot, it had been difficult to find much time to myself other than when I was asleep.

I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it, leaning against the wall and letting out a deep sigh. I hated the fact that Gideon had been on my mind so frequently, especially after hearing what he said earlier this afternoon about avoiding me. I felt a blush creep over my face when I thought back to the tender kiss he had placed on my forehead, and his use of the pet name, baby. He hadn't called me that since the night of the shootout, and I had to admit that it still did strange things to my insides. I could get used to that from him.

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