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It was Wednesday night, and I had just finished opening the bar. Customers were piling in and ordering drinks like it was a weekend, which I really couldn't complain about. I had made a nice amount of money this week, but who would complain about more? Crystal and Tasha had kept their distance since the other night, and for that I was grateful. Kya had been warming up to me, asking me questions and talking about all of the things we had in common with one another. I was thankful for her, knowing that there was someone here other than Linda that didn't hate me was comforting. A few hours after opening, Kya came to the side of the bar and slid her tray to me.

"I could use a couple of those Red Snapper shots you were making earlier, they're drinking them like crazy." She yelled over the jukebox, flashing me a dazzling smile. I nodded at her and pulled out the premade shot batch I had poured earlier. I filled up several glasses before handing her tray back to her. "Thanks! So, you're going out with Gideon tomorrow night?" She asked, leaning towards me so she wouldn't have to yell.

"I am, and honestly I'm fucking terrified." I told her with a laugh, cleaning out one of our pint glasses that had a few water spots on it.

"What are you scared for, babe? You'll do fine." She assured me, straightening up and grabbing her tray to balance on her hand.

"You've seen the dress I'm wearing, it's hard not to be nervous." I told her. Earlier this week I had shown her a picture of myself in the dress and her jaw fell open. It was the reaction I had been wanting, but it didn't exactly calm my nerves.

"Bitch, you look fine. Honestly, Gideon's going to have a hard time keeping all those men away from you. Don't worry. You'll have a blast, and you'll be the best looking woman there." She assured me, turning around and shooting me a wink. I rolled my eyes but smiled at her comment. Turning around to serve the few customers that had appeared at the bar during the short time I was distracted. I quickly got their drinks ready and handed them off as Linda approached me.

"Everything is squared away for tomorrow night. Got your shift taken care of, Crystal said she'd fill in for you. I guess she's hoping she'll make the same kind of tips you do." Linda said with a laugh, I smiled at her and closed the cash register forcefully.

"Yeah right, we all know she's too slow to make the kind of money I do." I told her, folding my arms in front of my chest and leaning against the counter behind me. Linda did the same thing and surveyed the small sea of people that were sprawled out in the bar. Some men were playing pool, a few women were dancing in the open floor to the music that played loudly through the jukebox. Crystal and Tasha were huddled at a table talking animatedly to one another, occasionally casting me dirty glances. I brushed it off and turned my attention back to Linda who was speaking again.

"Gideon tried to get me to let you off early tonight so you'd have plenty of sleep, but I assured him you were a big girl. I had a feeling you wanted to work all night to make up for the tips you might lose by not being here tomorrow. I hope that's okay?" Linda asked me. I nodded in approval.

"Thank you, sometimes I wish he would just keep his nose out of my business." I said with a huff of annoyance, walking towards the bartop to greet one of our regulars with a smile. I fixed his rum and coke before he had the chance to ask for it, and he graciously slid a ten dollar bill into my tip jar. There was no way Crystal would be able to do a better job than me, she probably couldn't even remember how to spell her name.

The bell above our door clanged loudly as I saw a few of the members from The 66 make their way inside. Some of them found tables while Reg and Butters approached me at the bar. They both ordered a beer and I grabbed them from the beer well, popping the tops and sliding them across the bar. The two men thanked me graciously and handed me their money, shoving a few ones into my tip jar. I nodded at them and stood waiting for the next few customers. I saw Gideon walk in the bar and make his way for one of the secluded booths in the far corner of the bar. Before he even had a chance to slide all the way into his seat, Crystal was at his table, running her fingers over his arm as she asked what he wanted to drink. He offered her a friendly smile and she walked towards the bar, Linda grabbed the beer he ordered and Crystal sashayed back towards him.

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