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Why the fuck was it taking them so long to get back to the clubhouse? I had tried to call Killian once already, and got no answer, so I was really starting to get worried at this point. I knew Killian wasn't always the most punctual person in my life, but being fifteen minutes late during a time like this wasn't something he usually did. When the club was on lockdown like it is now, he was always on time if not early. I knew Emerson was being stubborn by wanting to go out, but I thought I made it clear how important it was for her to get back within the hour. Damnit, what was going on? What were they doing?

I found myself consumed in thoughts that I never wanted to picture in my head-- thoughts of the two of them together intimately. Killian running his hands all over my girl, Emerson kissing him back forcefully, doing that thing with her tongue that I've grown so fond of. My mind started to run wild, imagining things that I knew she would never do to me, nor would he, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking them. Him pressed against her, her velvety smooth skin sliding against his.


I needed to stop. I shook my head and found myself pacing the lounge area while drumming my fingers against my thigh. I had taken a shower already, so I wouldn't have that to clear my head. The only thing I could do at this point was wait, but damnit I had already waited so long. I pulled my phone out of my pocket again to call Killian one more time, but just as soon as I reached in my pocket the phone started to vibrate. Without looking at the screen, I answered the call.

"What?" I asked, annoyance was definitely clear in my voice, there was no denying it. I expected to hear him say anything, but instead all I was met with on the other end of the call was heavy breathing-- which definitely didn't help my overactive imagination. Had he called me on accident? Was I silently listening in on my best friend fucking my girlfriend? My stomach was in knots as I listened carefully, waiting for any sign of what was going on.

"Gideon. Bring a car to Phillip's Drugs downtown, fast. I need your help." Killian's voice was frantic, and his breathing was still erratic. What the fuck was going on? Why did he need a car? Where was my girl?

"Where's Emerson? Why do you need a car?" The words were spilling out of my mouth so fast I almost couldn't make out what I had said.

"She's hurt, something happened. I need you. Now!" Killian was screaming into the phone, and without another word, I shoved my phone into my pocket and raced for the wall with a few sets of keys on it. I snatched the keys to my favorite black SUV off of the rack and called for Reg to come with me. I wasn't sure how much help he needed, but I wouldn't go alone in case something seriously bad had happened.

"Reg, with me. Now!" I bellowed when he wasn't moving fast enough. The two of us ran to the car as quickly as possible and were now barreling down the main street that led towards Phillip's. When we arrived, I threw the car in park and jumped out with the engine still running. Killian's bike was parked out front, but there was no sign of him anywhere. What the fuck was happening? I wrenched the door open so hard that I was surprised it hadn't flown off of its hinges. One of the store employees, a young red headed girl, was standing to the side of the store with a look of horror on her face. What the fuck? My blood was boiling, I was furious. Whoever had hurt my girl was going to pay dearly for what they had done.

What I saw when I rounded the corner brought me to my knees, on the cold linoleum floor next to the love of my life. When the blood that was once boiling hot in my veins turned cold, the two temperatures met one another and formed a raging fucking storm inside of me. The sight in front of me was something I never wanted to see, and now that I was looking at it with my own eyes, guilt and remorse flooded through me. There were so many emotions flowing through my body at that moment, that all I could do was hold her close to me and let the tears fall-- if only for a few moments.

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