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Once Killian left the apartment, I tried to go back to sleep before my shift later on tonight, but sleep wouldn't ever come to me. I decided that I would relax, take care of myself, and try and let go of all the tension that seemed to be rolling off of me in waves. Having Killian over did help with my anger, it helped me to understand that Gideon was in the wrong-- he was overreacting and I wasn't just being sensitive.

In the midst of a hot bath, I realized that I knew how I could exact my revenge, at least in the best way I knew how in the moment, and that was to make Gideon regret ever wronging a woman like me. I may be small, but I am one hell of a force to be reckoned with. And with that, I stood up, wrapped a towel around my body, and made my way to the bedroom to begin getting ready for work--it was sure to take much longer than it usually did.

I sat on my bed, dumping the contents of my makeup bag out-- gathering the items I needed. I may have lived my life like a free-spirit, constantly moving from town to town, but I was the furthest thing from a free-spirit, and my makeup collection was something I wouldn't leave behind. I thoroughly enjoyed putting on a full face now and then, although I normally wore mascara and lipstick. Tonight, however, I was going to make Gideon regret treating me like shit. I was going to make him jealous, and I didn't care what he tried to do to apologize, I wouldn't accept. At least not right away, I would make him work for my forgiveness-- because I knew deep down inside, he was not always like he was last night. I knew he had to be strong, I knew he couldn't look weak in front of his club, and I just so happened to be last nights casualty in his ongoing game of war. I knew he felt bad, and I just knew he spent the night thinking over all the things he said to hurt me. I just knew it.

Once I had put on my eyeliner, mascara, foundation, highlighter, bronzer, and blood red lipstick, I stood up and wrapped the towel tighter around me, standing in front of the full length mirror the previous tenants had left screwed into the door of the closet. "Not too bad." I told myself, smirking. I started thumbing through the various items of clothing I owned and had collected since moving to Luciana, to my amazement it was an extensive amount of clothes-- by my standards, anyways. There was hardly any color, most of my clothes were black, gray, and I had the occasional maroon thrown in... my wardrobe was about as drab as my life was-- go figure.

I decided on a skin tight black dress, it accentuated my curves and showed off the tattoos on my arms and legs. I wrapped a black and white flannel shirt around my waist, and slipped on my fishnet tights, pulling on my worn combat boots to complete the look. I dried my hair and took a straightener to it, making sure that I looked as good as I possibly could, and once I was done getting ready, I was satisfied-- I definitely looked better than I had since moving into this town. Perfect, now Gideon will feel even worse for treating me like shit.

About 45 minutes later, I arrived at the Hideout. Reg wasn't waiting to take me to work today, and for that I was grateful. I didn't want any favors from Gideon, and I really didn't feel like dealing with any of his club members, other than Killian. I made my way to the back entrance and opened the door, searching for Linda. I was extremely anxious, and I had a feeling it was because I was dolled up. I was used to being casual, it was easier for me to work, and it kept from drawing unnecessary attention towards me, but tonight I wanted his attention-- I demanded it.

I found Linda crouched behind the bar, straightening up the extra glasses that we hardly used, but always had stocked just in case we got extremely busy. She straightened up as she heard my footsteps approaching, and let out a long wolf-whistle.

"Damn, mamacita. You look fantastic!" She howled, winking at me and pulling out two shot glasses. She began filling them with our favorite, Jameson, and gave me an encouraging smile, sliding the glass towards me. I nodded my head gratefully and took the shot, holding it out to her. "To the hottest bartender the Hideout has ever seen!" She said, tilting her head back. I followed suit, allowing the amber liquid to slide gracefully down my throat-- I could feel my muscles relaxing immediately.

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