Chapter Twenty-Five | Overprotective and Rude Are Two Different Things

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It's been a couple of days since Noah ended up staying the night and Gabby and Ax were going ballistic on us. More Gabby than Ax, but you get the picture. The whole weekend I had to myself since Eliza decided to 'ground' me when I got home from school the same morning she found me trying to sneak Noah out.

Although I was grounded, she let me keep the phone that she bought for me. Thank you, Ax, for setting it up for me. He really is smart when it comes to all the technology stuff. Besides the point, I've been grounded the whole weekend, but on Friday I promised Noah that I'd spend the whole time researching the bestiaries.

But, just like the rest of them: I found nothing. Gabby would text me ever so often since she always spends her time at Liam's, that she hadn't found anything either, just the same as the boys. Noah said he'd talk to Liam about it since we've sort of been keeping him out of the loop. Practically, we've been keeping everyone out of the loop.

Now that it's Monday, I'm able to see them all again. The weekend was very uneventful, except for Charlie and her friends coming into my room a couple times a day to get my opinion on their dress-up clothes and makeup.

Pulling on a jean jacket over my maroon short sleeve, I grab my bag and phone and begin making my way downstairs. Eliza is sitting on the couch, waiting for me since she's decided on her own that she'll be driving me to school all week to make sure that I'm actually attending.

I don't know where she got the idea that I was skipping school from. I guess she just doesn't trust me hanging out with Noah or something, even though she doesn't know him at all. Shit, I barely know him and I've told him a lot of my secrets.

"Ready," I say out loud and she looks up from the magazine she was currently reading. She smiles at me and stands up quickly, grabbing her purse and keys from the bowl by the dining table.

"Alright, let's go." She continues smiling as she holds the door open for me. We both step out onto the porch and our eyes widen at the rain clouds in the sky. "Hopefully, it's clear by the time school ends." She states as we walk out to her car.

I nod in agreement as she pulls out of the driveway and begins driving down the road. When she arrives at the school, I mumble a goodbye and start heading inside. As I'm walking to my locker, I notice that the hallways aren't as packed as they normally when I arrive, so I'm guessing that I got here a little bit earlier than I usually do when Gabby picks me up.

I take my time taking out my things since I have about ten minutes before Gabby and the boys should be getting here. As I'm skimming through my notebooks to make sure that I have all my homework assignments, Noah's face appears in my mind. My brows furrow at his sudden appearance and I look up and down the hallway, seeing a couple of people walking behind me.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I hold my notebook under my arm so that I can pull up my sleeve so that I can see the dark ink on my wrist. Light purple lines now skin across the moon, causing my brows to furrow.

"That's a sick tat."

My head snaps up and I meet a pair of green eyes. A tall, brown-headed boy across the hallway from me nods towards my wrist, but I continue staring at him with wide eyes and a shocked expression. "That's some cool ink you've got there." He rephrases and my brows draw together again.

"T...Thanks," I whisper and his brow raises.

"Where'd ya get it? I could use some new ones. Mine are kind of getting old." He states as he raises the sleeve of his jacket to show me the black ink running up his forearm. He's much closer than he was a minute ago since he's now showing me his tattoos and I begin to stare at him in utter confusion.

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