Speechless 🤫

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Manu2026 fast wala update.

Recap: RagLak meeting n then phone convo...

Laksh was on the phone n was trying to find the right words to talk to Ragini. Who herself wasn't sure what to say. "Ragini...?". He calls her calmly. Ragini was taking a deep breath. "Haan Laksh ji..,!". As soon as she says Laksh ji his heartbeat races... it gave him a flattering feeling as if butterflies were in his stomach.

Laksh was smiling like mad. "Ragini... Uhm I'm sorry...?". He was scratching his back head. Ragini was shocked. "Laksh ji.... what happen? Y r u sorry?". Her voice was sounding panic n it also feels like if she is near her tears as her voice chokes. Laksh felt the pain trough her voice. "Ragini please I... I'm sorry I attacked u in the morning!". He said n made her calm again. Laksh smiles. "U know I wanted to meet u but I got to know u were studying all the time n fall asleep. Actually I... I really wanted to see u just once before leaving. As I don't wanted to give u a bad feeling... I just hope... I didn't hurt u?".

Ragini was lost in his words. Laksh ji u r so cute u r so kind how can I be angry on u? U r the reason y I could wrote the exam without any fear. Thank U.

Laksh was waiting for her reply. "Seems like u r busy. I'm not gonna disturb u any longer. Just wanted to wish u a gud night, best of luck for the upcoming exams n I LOVE U!". He cut the call before she could even react.

Ragini was numb. No she was speechless. She looked at the phone totally perplexed n thought to speak but she just heard the tone... tutututut. "Line disconnect how?". She looked at the display n tried to call him back. But he called with an unknown number so she couldn't call him back.

Ragini was thinking. How could he get my number?. Haan Maa... She was looking at her mother who was talking to AP. "Ji it's okay that u gave him the number. As they should learn more abt each other. She was very disturbed when she left the house but as soon as she returned home she was like a new human! I'm happy as long as she is happy!". They talked longer n Ragini was happy.

She was back in her room, resting her head on the door. She thought of Laksh confession. How could he just say it I Love U?.

She locked the door n jumped on her bed. She was hiding her face on the pillow. She took out his picture. "Mr. Laksh ji u r too much... u said I love U n didn't waited for my reply. Don't u wanted to know my reply? Don't u want to hear my heartstrings? Can't I tell u what I feel?". She hold his pic n turns on the bed on her back.

"Laksh ji I Love U too! U made my day u saved my night. I had a feeling of restlessness but after meeting u I felt comfortable. I could feel how ur present calmed me! U have given me the thread but the way u hold my hand my pulse relaxed n went synchronic to ur heartbeat did u felt the same?". She hold the pic close her face n kisses it.

Laksh was in the hotel room. "Uff Ragini I don't know what happened to me. Y I just cut the call! Maybe I don't want to hear it via phone I want to see ur beautiful shy face when u say to me that u love me... U do Love me, right?!".

He was looking at his mobile he had captured her pic before he left. He was happy as he was having her more closer to him.

Both were lying on the bed thinking of each other. Ragini woke up by another call. She checked the caller ID. "Unknown number? Laksh ji!". She was happy n picked it up.

"Gud Morning Ragini! Wish u a successful day n best of Luck! Bye!".

He again hung up the call before she could say something. Ragini pouts. "Laksh ji at least let me tell u na that I do love U!". She was a bit upset.

"Don't know what is going on in ur mind but please don't do that! Oh... Laksh ji... do u want me to speak to u in person? But Mister then y u said that first?". She thought for a moment but she was somehow very happy, he was loving her what else she wants to know. He wished her best of luck n a gud morning.

She was happy twirling around. She changed her clothes n come out. Another day for her as to be Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari. She felt as if all the burden on her shoulder fall down. She was free... from tension!.

Ragini was giving her next exam n was soon at home. "Maa I'm going into my room!". Janki looked at her. "Laado please have some food!". Ragini nods. "Haan Maa!". She ate the food n Janki were looking at her. "Did Laksh callee u?". Her gaze was on Ragini only. Ragini swallows. "Maa?". Her cheeks become red she nods in yes. Janki kisses her forehead. "Is he a gud boy?". Ragini nods again.

After having food she was waiting for his call.

Ring ring

But she didn't picked up.

Laksh was confused. What happened is she angry with me?.

He tries again to call her this time she picked up but he couldn't say a word as she asked "video chat!". Laksh smiles he follows her wish.

Both were looking into each other.

Ragini smiles. "Laksh Ji... I Love U!".

She cut the call...  "tit for tat".

Laksh was numb... oh she felt like that...


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