The apology

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The target is not reached and this is for me the indicator to end it. So I will end it in a few chapters.

Recap: the prank backfired on Ragini and Laksh got also his payment.

Daadi and Shekhar were looking at each other, "Laksh Beta, please go and apologies to her."

Laksh widen his eyes, "what? No way, she started it. I was just better than her as I caught her on time." He was pointing on his nose, "you see it's still paining." He clearly refused to apology to her.

Ragini was arranging the bed, she was holding his shirt. Stupid husband, if won't be able to sleep without him I will make his peaceful nights in to nightmares.

Janki went into the kitchen with Daadi, both started with their cooking as Laksh wasn't moving anymore from the couch.

Shekhar sat opposite to him, "Laksh you don't know, but her anger is more dangerous than her love. She always give her 100 % in everything just imagine how her love could change in hate."

Laksh has closed his eyes, "imagining it." He was thinking of it for real. She is so cute and she didn't said Laksh ji... she cut my ji. I won't forgive her this.

Laksh lowers his head, "She has no idea how angry I am." He turns his face away and looked at the door with crossed arms around his chest and angry eyes.

Shekhar shook his head. I was trying to clear this matter, but I guess I just worsen it. They won't leave me, I'm death. Janki and Daadi were looking at him from the kitchen, they both shook their heads in anger.

Shekhar gulps and tried another way, "Laksh Beta you are right. Ragini has done the mistake, she should apologise to you."

Laksh smiles, "that is exactly what I am saying, she should apologise to me. She has done it not me." He was happily sitting there while the two lady's glared at Shekhar.

Shekhar couldn't understand it. Now again I did something wrong. I guess it's better to explain him why he should say sorry or his life will become loveless. Not lifeless.

"Laksh could you please come with me for a moment. I would like to talk to you in private, let's say a man to man talk."

Laksh looked at him suspiciously, "man to man. I already had these talks with my Dad. And Papa don't you think it's too late to talk about this topic, I mean Ragini and I... okay." He stood up before ending his sentence and rushed into another room, leaving a shocked Shekhar sitting on the couch.

Janki looked to her mother-in-law, "Maa I think I should go and talk to Ragini, before he," she points on her husband, "creates a bigger mess than the one which is already created."

Parvati nodded, "yes you go," she glares at her son and sent her daughter-in-law to her granddaughter.

Laksh was waiting for Shekhar. Why is he taking so much time, oh ya me and my fast tongue. Damn it.

Shekhar stood up from his place and went out into the garden, where Laksh was standing.

Janki knocked on the door of Ragini's bedroom, "Ragini open the door it's me, your mom."

Ragini sniffs, "it's only you?" She asked near the door, "yes Beta it's only me."

Ragini opens the door, her mom was standing there with a small box of chocolate and tissues, she let her mother in.

"Laksh?" Shekhar took his name with care.

Laksh turns with a smile, "Yes Papa." He replied a bit nervous.

"You should understand on thing." Shekhar comes closer to him, "it's better to say sorry."

Ragini shook her head, "no Maa, why should I ask for sorry, he did the mistake he should apologise to me." She turns with crossed arms around her chest.

"Laksh listen you both made a mistake. I agree she shouldn't have hit you."

"Ragini you have started it, he caught you and played a prank on you, which he overdramatised, but he didn't knew it better, right?"

Laksh was thinking...
Ragini was thinking...

Shekhar shook his head, "okay let it me explain to you in your style. Wife means life, if you want it in peace and love it's better to say sorry."

Janki made her turn, "you have always wished for a husband like him, he is here and you said you will do everything to make it work. To accept a mistake won't kill or hurt you. In fact it will show your greatness."

Ragini was thinking about it.

Laksh looked at Shekhar, "you had to apologise many times and failed, right!"

Shekhar lowers his head, he starts to murmur something.

Ragini smiles, "Maa you are right, I will apologise to him and gain the credit of my maturity." Janki smiles caressing her cheek, "my smart girl."

They come downstairs, she was searching for Laksh and widen her eyes, when she saw him with her father, "Maa look, Papa is with him." She said with narrowed brows.

Janki shook her head, "don't worry he will messed it up. You go and handle it your way."

"Ragini I'm sorry." Laksh comes into the house without giving Ragini the possibility to speak.

"I did a mistake, I'm sorry my prank went wrong. I should have cared more about you sensible feelings, but I ignored it. Don't worry my next prank won't hurt you like this, but it will definitely happen." Laksh left from there upstairs leaving everyone numb.

"You said he will messed it up." Ragini said to her mother, "I was pretty sure he would."

Shekhar came in, "Why he apologised?" He was confused.

Janki and Ragini fumed at him, "what you mean, shouldn't he?" They asked in anger and he shook his head, "you are getting me wrong. He told me, he won't apologise to her."

Ragini looked at Janki, "maybe he heard us?" She was thinking and rushed upstairs, she wanted to know.

Laksh was in the washroom, she knocked and he opens the door, "hey." He hold her in his embrace, "I can hold you or are you still angry?"

Ragini was thinking, "you are really sorry?"

Laksh nods, "yes, I'm." He kisses her forehead, but then she pushes him, "Papa told me you were refusing it first, then why you changed your mind?"

Laksh scratches his nape, "Ragini Papa was talking too much, moreover I have told him something by mistake and before he could even think about that topic I changed it and make him believe I won't apologise to you."

Ragini was confused, "Laksh are you really sorry?"

Laksh hold his ears, "Ragini! I am really very sorry."

Ragini took a deep breath, "even I'm sorry, I shouldn't have punched you." She shocked and looked at his nose, giving him continuously short kisses on his tip.

Laksh lifts her, "I told him that we did it."

"Laksh! How could you?!" Ragini shouts and he shrugs, "by mistake. He was talking about man to man talks and I was like it's too late..."

Ragini looked at him with an open mouth and widen eyes, "oh gosh how will I even met his eyes?"

Laksh puts her down and kisses her cheek, "don't worry all is fine, he will hate me not you." He starts to nuzzle her neck and she smiles, "Haaw you have to do it long, but not too long."

Laksh got confused, "what?"

"Don't mark!" She told him.

Laksh laughs, he was in the bedroom with her holding her tightly, "tomorrow we have to return home, then I will take you for a honeymoon. Okay."

Ragini was happy, "yes, honeymoon." She hugs him and they come downstairs to the dining table, they all eat together as if nothing had happened.

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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now