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Recap: RagLak were teasing their parents and got a slap for it, but overall all are happy for them.

Laksh was at his office, when he received a call, "Hello Laksh Maheshwari here."

"Wow, that's your intro?" The melodic voice of his wife was stealing his heart again.

"Ragini...?" He said having a big smile on his face.

"Haaw that's my name, so happy you know that."

"Very funny, where are you?" He asked as she had gone out on a business trip with a few colleagues and the boss.

"At home."

Laksh checked the caller ID, it was the landline of his house, "I'm so happy." He said, no he shouts into the phone receiver.

"Ragini why didn't you informed me, I would have come and received you personally."

Ragini was happy, "I know, but your work is also important and if I'm not wrong you have meeting later? How could you managed it?" She was teasing him and he knew that, "Uff important that too a simple meeting, no way not more than you. Now tell me how was it?"

Ragini starts to talk about her journey, mostly they spent their time in the hotel or at the meetings, they didn't had the time to explore the place.

"Aww mera Baacha don't worry. I will take you along with me to our next destination there you can explore the place as much as you want."

There was a knock on his door, but he ignored it, they continued with their talk for an hour, till the knock become annoying, "Ragini hold on haan."

Laksh looked up, his secretary was standing there, "come in." He said and she entered the room, "Sir your meeting is going to start in a few minutes, please I have prepared everything, but without you it's unnecessary."

Laksh pouts, he stood up, "you go I'm coming." His secretary left the cabin and he switched the call on his mobile phone, he put on the Bluetooth headset and continued to talk to Ragini, who was Nonstop blabbering about her work and success she had.

Laksh went to the conference room, "good afternoon." He greeted them, "please start or better say continue."

Ragini smiles, fireworks were exploding in her stomach, "I love you so much." She continues with her talks, while Laksh was trying to concentrate on the meeting, but was lost in her voice.

Ragini was doing her house course, she had said to cook his favourite meal as he was scold by DP, who had caught him lost in his one side conversation.

DP had come home early, he wasn't upset or disappointed, but he gave Laksh extra work to tease him.

Ragini was in the kitchen, finally her bags were unpacked and she had done the cleaning of the room. My Laksh ji has become a total loss when I'm not around, I wonder how he could live alone for so long?

Laksh had reached home, he checked the hall, no one was there, he pouts as he wanted to see his wife, but she is missing, well she was doing her work with all her heart, then he heard it, the rattle of utensils.

Laksh went to the kitchen, he placed his hands around her waist, she smiles, "Laksh ji, bad boy." She turns and kisses his nose, "just a few minutes then the food is ready."

Laksh shook his head, "I don't want food I want you." He pulls her close and she shies under his intense gaze, "Haaw you are too much." She hits him playfully and he kisses her lips.

Ragini melted, "okay fine, let's go up, no one is at home." Laksh Switched off the stove and lifts her in his arms....

It was late in the evening, they have come down and there his parents were waiting, Laksh had changed so has Ragini, both were looking breathtaking.

"So finally you are ready?" DP asked and AP calmed him, "please they needed time it's been weeks that Ragini had left for her business tour. I'm so happy she is back, if I got my time with her so did her husband got."

"But I'm leftover, why she isn't spending her time with me?" DP asked and Ragini rushes to him, "Don't worry papa, even with you I will spend my time, now we have to go to the business party. We need to celebrate the success of my husband's work."

"Husband alone, even I had done some work on it." DP said and she nodded, "right, it's your success too. You know what, I just changed my mind. If it is still possible, I want to be your date." She said and DP took her hand, "that would be the best gift for the night. Come." He shows to the door and they left the house.

"I don't like to be rejected or replaced, but to have a date with my mom, I would kill for it." Laksh hold his mother's hand and they too left the house.

At the venue

"Laksh even Ragini's Boss is here?"

Laksh nods to his mother, "of course he is here, he is my friend then he is her boss, I know him longer than she does."

AP pinches his cheek, "fine, but behave."

Laksh frowns, "I always behave."

AP shook her head, "I meant something else." She went from there leaving him alone, thinking of her words, he was standing there, when a hand hold his shoulder.

Janki and Shekhar were there, "Janki Maa. Don't hit me." He moves backwards and she glares at him, while Shekhar suppressed his laugh.

"Joker." Shekhar pats his shoulder, "where were you lost?"

He told them and Janki left from there, Shekhar shook his head, "beta stop romancing in public." He left from there and Laksh just shook his head.

The party was going on with full enjoyment, Laksh was dancing with his wife, after winning her back as his date from his father.

Ragini was resting her head on his shoulder, "how can you be more successful when I'm not around?"

Laksh looked at her sad face expression, "I'm not successful when you are not around, I need you that's why I'm successful to keep you close, the more I have the lesser you have to work for."

"But I like to work and I'm not working for money, I'm working for myself."

Laksh nods, "I know, but I have to invest my time in work, when you are not around, stay at home and I will become the most successful man on earth."


Laksh whispers into her ear, "because you are my world, my success, my life, my love, I don't need anything more than you to feel successful, I succeeded the day I married you."

Ragini smiles, she placed her hands around his neck, "I love you." She kisses his cheek and he smiles feeling her lips.

"Back at Home we will continue there where we stopped."

"Okay." Ragini said and the party went to an end...


Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now