Return of Laksh 🙈

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Manu2026 ❤️

Recap: RagLak confession via phone.

Laksh was attending the boring venue he really wanted to be there at first place after all it was his solo trip. Otherwise DP was always with him n trying to get him into talks with other business partners but he never let him talk for himself. Well know he doesn't wanted to be here! He wants to be back as soon as possible to meet her again... RAGINI ❤️.

He was spending his night at the venue n was counting the time when the party would be over. He continuously looked at his watch. Uff y it takes so long? I want to talk to her...

Since both did their phone confession he couldn't talked to her but he wrote her a msg daily.

Hi 😊
Best of Luck for ur exam!
Please yaar talk to me!.
Ur Laksh ji...

She replies to him quickly.
Hi Laksh ji!
Thank U!
I will talk to u asap... u have to be here!
Bye bye
Ur Ragini.. ji 😋.

Laksh couldn't stop thinking of it. He had a genuine smile on his face. When a man come. "Laksh how r u?". Laksh looked up n found an elder man standing in front of him. "Mehta Uncle. I'm fine n u?". They both shook their hands. "Laksh I'm also fine I heard u r getting married?". He looked at him at a teasing way. "Uncle u heard right! I'm soon getting married!".

Mr. Mehta was laughing. "Boy u r going to do a mistake. U r Young there is no need to get married that soon!". Laksh smiles n shook his head. "Uncle! I might be young but not mad. She is the woman of my dreams! I'm not going to let her go! And I have seen the world I mean I had the freedom to find myself n I couldn't find my happiness but in her smile I found peace n happiness! There is nothing what could change my mind! I will marry her only her!". He was saying this with confidence that even Mr. Mehta could see his love for her.

Ragini was rolling over her bed. She was thinking of Laksh only. Laksh ji u wrote me that u will return soon, but what is soon?.

 Laksh ji u wrote me that u will return soon, but what is soon?

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Laksh ji please come soon I'm desperately waiting for u. I want to talk to u! But u r not coming to me! Hope to see u in my dreams so we can talk there! But for having dreams I need to find sleep but I can't sleep as I'm missing u badly!.

 I want to talk to u! But u r not coming to me! Hope to see u in my dreams so we can talk there! But for having dreams I need to find sleep but I can't sleep as I'm missing u badly!

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Laksh was talking when he suddenly starts to *hiccup*. "Sorry!". He apologised to the conversation partner n again *hiccup*. "Seems like someone is missing u?". They starts to tease him n Laksh smiles. "Haan hope it is the *hiccup* the right one!". He smiles n took a glass of water. Uff Ragini Ji please stop thinking of me! I will back soon! I promise u.

Ragini fall asleep n was losing herself in a dream of Laksh...

Laksh was coming toward her holding a bouquet of flowers. "Hi Ragini Ji! How r u?".

Ragini smiles. She looked at him continuously while gave her the bouquet. She took the flowers n places them into the vase but she didn't speak to him.

Laksh was coming closer she was moving backwards...

Boom... she landed on the bed...

Ragini rubs her bottom n head. She made a cry face. Laksh ji even in my dreams u don't let me speak...! Well u might do but I'm just to shy to talk to u!.

She stood up n vanished to the washroom. She comes out wearing a cute outfit...

 She comes out wearing a cute outfit

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She comes down with a big smile. "Maa I'm very hungry!". She just come with a big smile.

"Hi Ragini... ji!".
Finally the real talk

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