Laksh in Sasural

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Recap: Ragini had pain. Laksh was tensed and called her many times, she didn't informed him and went to meet her mother.

Laksh was sitting on the chair waiting for Ragini to serve the food, she came with a filled plate and placed it in front of him, he pouts as she leaves him alone.

What yaar I come to meet my Mother-in-law, but I found my wife, who is giving me no attention. Why???!!!

He was pitying one himself, when Ragini come and sat on his lap, without a question he let her. She looked at him, "I will feed you, will you forgive me then?"

Laksh widen his eyes. My wife thinks I'm angry on her, because she come without informing me here? Arrey Wah wah Meri to lottery laggayi {oh wow it feels like a jackpot}. But I won't make it easy for you.

Laksh pouts, "you think that I will forgive you if you will feed me?"

Ragini saw the disappointment on his face, even his voice wasn't the joyful one as usually, "Laksh jiiiiii!" She stretched the ji in the longest possible way for her and saw a small smile on his face, how the lip corner lifts even if it was just a millimetre.

Laksh slowly moves his hands to her back, she shivers, but didn't mind it, "does my wife know how to make me happy?" He asked with a smirk.

Ragini nods, "Yes, I know how." She comes closer, placing her hands around his neck, a smiles which was brighter than the sun come over his face, Ragini moves her head forward. Laksh waited impatiently for it, Ragini smiks, she places her hand on his lips and kisses her hand back.

Laksh pouts, "nwjdjdje."

Ragini blinks with her eyes, "what?"

Laksh rolls his eyes, he being Lucky, licks her palm, "yuck Laksh ji!" She cleans her hand on his shoulder.

Laksh glares at her, "Okay one kiss on my cheek." He turns his face and shows her his cheek, she smiles and agrees. Ragini slowly bend near him, she places her lips on his cheek making him smile for the moment.

*Cough Cough*

Ragini looked at him, "Laksh ji water?" She turns and saw her father standing there at the door entrance while Laksh was gulping his fear down, his eyes almost popped out of the eye socket.

"Papa woh Laksh ji ko khazi hogayi pani de rahi hoon. {Papa he just coughs. I'm giving him water to drink}" Ragini said and stood up not meeting the gaze of her father neither showing up again.

Laksh was waiting for a reaction, Shekhar come and sit next to him, "Uhm special treatment?" He asked and Laksh shook his head.

"Papa what kind of special treatment?" He asked with a red face.

Shekhar points on the cheek of Laksh, "Beta I'm not blind and I coughed to gain your attention, your wife took is as an excuse and left you here alone with me."

Laksh gulps, "true." A squeaky voice come out of his mouth, he clears his throat and said, "Papa I can explain you."

Shekhar shook his head, "you will explain me the kiss mark on your cheek, nice try it." He said with a smirk and Laksh got another shock, he went with his hand over his cheek, where his wife had placed her soft lips.

Shekhar waited for Laksh explanation, "Beta Say!" Laksh nods, just then Ragini come with a glass filled with water, "Papa here drink." She said in sharpe tone.

Shekhar took the glass and drunk the water, Laksh signs of relief, while Ragini starts to serve the food.

She sat between them, as she made Laksh to move to the next chair, "papa you know this all hap..." she smiles and quietly eats her food.

Shekhar was confused, "what Ragini?"

Ragini didn't answered him, she just ate her food. Laksh was caressing her waist... 🤗.

They were silently eating and Janki come home, "Laksh Beta you here, Ragini didn't you told him?"

Ragini shook her head, she hugs him from the side, "how can I leave a chance to prank on Lucky?" She said with a smirk and he rolls his eyes.

Laksh stood up, Ragini pouts, she was lost in her thoughts. Now Laksh ji will ask to leave as Maa has come home. He will meet her, do have a little chitchat and then heeding home.

Laksh bend down to take her blessing, "Maa I wanted to ask you something, if you don't mind?"

Shekhar and Janki were both confused, "Laksh say what happened and why would we mind it, you are our son," she caresses his cheek.

Laksh smiles, "it's quite late and I feel exhausted after the long office day, can I and my wife stay here?"

Ragini literally jumped up from the couch, they have been waiting for Janki and drunk the tea at the meantime, the chai {tea} she was holding on her lap, pour on her.


Laksh widen his eyes in shock, "Ragini!" He checks on her, but the ground was wet not she.

Laksh looked at her with a heavy heart, "Ragini are you alright? You can't scare me like this." He lifts her in his arms, preventing her to slip over the hot tea.

"Sorry. But we will stay I'm so happy." She places her hands around his neck, "Haan we will stay, but I have no clothes to change. So adjust with me."

Ragini shook her head, "you can wear Papa's clothes, right?"

Shekhar nods, "Haan I will give you something to change, Janki your shy tornado is back adjust with her."

Ragini nods, "Haan, but don't worry, I will leave with my hubby tomorrow morning."

Laksh looked at her, "oh okay. I thought to stay longer, but if you want to return fine."

Ragini smiles, "we can stay longer?"

Laksh nods...


Sasural continuous...
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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now