Honeymoon or study?

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Recap: apologise

Laksh was at his room in his house waiting for his wife to return home from college. Where is she, why is she taking so much time? I hope everything is alright. Laksh was nervous and biting on his nails. Maybe my honeymoon is death, oh she failed for sure, oh no. She will be so upset her dream to be an independent woman will take a leap, no! I will help her indirectly.

Ragini comes home, she was looking at him. Aww my cute husband, he is scared for me and my result. Maybe I should play a small prank on him. She smirks and changed her face expression from happy to upset.

Laksh was looking at her. Oh no she messed it up... now I have to cheer her up and support her. Haan only then she will feel better.

Laksh went to her, "Baacha you okay?" He asked her with care, keeping his hands on her arms.

Ragini lowers her gaze, "I'm sorry Laksh ji..." She was upset and rested her head on his chest, "I'm very sorry." Her voice choke and he felt bad for her.

Oh no, I don't like it to see her upset like this. I know, I will help her with the re-examining, she will be happy because I will spent a lot of time with her. Encouraging and studying with her, this will be fun.

Ragini was confused. What is he thinking? I want love can't he understand such a simple thing? Please God give him some brain.

"Ragini you don't worry." He lifts her chain and she was ready for a kiss, she slowly closed her eyes, her lips were forming together, "we will learn together no disturbance. I promise you I will keep focusing on your study only, after you will have successfully wrote your exams, we will go for a honeymoon."

Ragini opens her eyes in a fraction of seconds, she literally widen her eyes and shouts, "No!"

Laksh scared and jerked back, "what No?" He asked holding his chest and breathing harsh, "gosh Ragini, someday you will give me a heart attack." He shook his head and normalised his breath.

Ragini shook her head, "no Laksh ji, I don't want to wait I want my honeymoon now. I want love..." She pushes him just to jump on him.

Laksh felt the pain, "Aah!" He moans and she smirks, "Ragini what happened?" He was confused and his wife was amused.

"Laksh ji, I have paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassed the exams." She said and he was looking at her in shock, "but you... were looking... upset?" He cups her face, "do you wanted to prank me?"

Ragini nodded, "yes, I thought you would give me some love, but I forgot you have turned to be responsible."

Laksh shook his head, he rolls over her and she was underneath him, "oh my mad wife. I have thought to love you in our honeymoon, but seeing your face said me that you failed and your biggest dream was to be independent. So I thought to put my honeymoon wish aside and help you with your studies."

Ragini bites on her tongue, "ops my plan backfired on me. I wanted you to love me, but you were already planning of loving me."

Laksh nodded widely, "yes, because only now we have the possibility to make love..." He winks and pulls him close, kissing him madly.

Laksh couldn't control her, "Ragini..." he was trying to speak in between their kiss, which had turned into a smooch, she wasn't leaving him.

Laksh was now laying underneath her, he always underestimates her and that is the result, he has to give in.

Ragini was happy, she was resting her head on his bare chest, Laksh was out of breath, something he was hoping for the honeymoon, just happened again.

Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now