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Recep: Back from honeymoon into working life

They were back at home and Ragini started with her work and got the unexpected and unlimited support from Laksh.

Laksh was in their bedroom, he was reading a file, when Ragini comes tired from her work, she put her bag on the ground and falls on the bed, "I'm death."

"Hmm...?" He looked at her, "you looks to me very alive. Come." He just pulled her with one hand and she was now resting on his chest, she smiles and hides her face in his chest.

"Laksh ji my legs are paining and my head, oh I want to cry, but I can't cause I'm so happy."

Laksh hold her tight, "Aww so happy? Tell me what is making you happy and stopped you to cry."

"You..." she said kissing his bare chest, she comes up and was facing him, "I love you my hubby." She hugs him as tight as possible, "you are my pillar of support and my strength. I will never accept..." 🙈🙈🙈🙈

In the next morning Ragini looked at him, "I'm so hungry, let's go and have some food."

Laksh was smiling at her, "sure, come." They got ready and went down, they were awaited by their parents.

Ragini smiles, "Maa!" She rushes to her and gave her a tight hug, she glued on her, "you are here what a pleasant surprise."

Janki caresses her head, "you are working are you giving your husband time with you? Or are you a busy working wife?"

Ragini pouts then blushed thinking of the last night, "haan equal, right?" She asked him, who was scratching his back head having a frown on his face, "equal what does it mean, I have to take it."

Ragini huffs, "Laksh ji don't act smart. You don't know how..."

Both remained silent as their parents were watching them, "Ragini I'm hungry, you too come let's have breakfast they will try to get more information about our work and life later, first peed pooja {filling our stomach}."

Ragini nodded, "Haan Laksh ji you are so right." She hooked in his arm and they both went into the kitchen.

They were both alone, "Ragini we have to be more careful they are trying to get more information about us by using cheap tricks."

Ragini was looking at him, "hmm why not play a prank on them?" She smirks and he grins, "wah biwi ho to aisi {Every wife should be like you}." He praised her and they made a small plan to prank on their parents.

Meanwhile the parents were looking at each other, "they are definitely playing against us." Shekhar said, "why don't we prank on them?"

AP was thinking, "since Ragini has entered his life, he sometimes shows his Lucky side, Bhaisaab you are right they are planning against us, we should be prepared."

Janki nodded, "haan Ragini might have filled his ears, he will be definitely listen to her."

"Yes, he is influenceable by her, after all she is a woman," DP said looking at his wife, "how many times you could make me do your work easily."

"So true, they always find a way to make us work more." Shekhar agreed and the women were glaring at them, "what?!" They said in union and the men were shrugging.

RagLak heard them and smirks, as they were aware to their plan.


Ragini ran out of the kitchen, she hides her face in Janki's shoulder.

Laksh came out holding his cheek, he was looking at them totally perplex, "Ragini!" Laksh shouts as loud as possible, "how dare you to raise your hand on me?!" He bursted out on her. His eyes were showing anger and he raised his head, "your daughter...!"

"Most sweetest, cutest and loveable woman in his life." Ragini said looking at her mother with a mischievous smile, "got you all."

"Ragini a real prank should be tasted long not like this one." Laksh scolds her with a shaking head, "unbelievable, you have to learn a lot." He pulls her close she hits with his chest, "aww so close, I wanna pappi on my cheeky." She turns her face and received a slap from her mother.


Laksh hides behind Ragini, "I don't want a slap, save me."

Ragini hold her cheek, "Laksh ji..." she cries, "it hurt me." She said in paining voice, making Laksh feel bad.

He cups her face and wipes her tears away, "Shh baacha nothing happened, Maa ke haath ki thi, meri kabhi legegi nahi {It was your mother's hand not mine, which will never happen}." He kisses her cheek and hugs her, "Bad Saasu Maa. We will complain about her to Daadi Maa. Come let's go."

Ragini nods, "Haan, we will complain about her. Bad Maa."

"Your prank was too much. I was near a heart attack thinking that something went wrong. You both deserved a slap."

Laksh shook his head, "but I don't want a slap."

Ragini fumes in anger, "just because you don't want it doesn't mean I should bear the pain alone. You will get a slap from your mama too." She pushes him, "otherwise I won't talk to anyone anymore." She sniffs and Laksh lowers his head, "fine... but don't kill me with your silence I need to hear your complains to know what I can do to make you feel better."

"Haan Joru ka Ghulam {wife's servant}." The men said and Laksh stood there with his hands on his hips, "I would call it love and respect, plus understanding."

Ragini nods widely with a smile, "haan." She hold his cheek, "fine I don't want Maa to give you a slap, I got one for both of us."

Laksh smiles, "aww you are so cute, come I will get you a great breakfast and I have a Special gift for you."

They were ignoring their parents, who were admiring their love for each other, Janki felt bad that she slapped her daughter, but then she made a move and slapped Laksh, "equal love for both of you."

"Maa!" Ragini shouts at her, "I just said there is no need to slap him, I took it for both of us. Can't you just listen to me?!" She was literally losing her control and bursted out on her mother, "how could you hit my Laksh ji! Uff!!!" She huffs in anger turns back to her husband, "show me!" Laksh hold his cheek near her lips and she kisses him.

"My poor husband. Where is it, something special for me?!" She was very excited and they all couldn't believe it that she changes her mood in seconds.

Laksh took out a small package from his back pocket, she took it and shake it, "there is something inside it, good." She smiles as she was scared he might prank her.

Ragini opens the box and found something black in it, "Laksh ji what is this?!"

Laksh hits his palm on his forehead, "it's a car key, baby."

Ragini widen her eyes, "haaw first Baacha now Baby, what is next?!"

The others were thinking too, but Laksh didn't said it, just "last night?!"

Ragini was looking at him, "last night?!" She thought.


Ragini nodded, "that?! No I liked baacha and baby more."

Laksh shrugs, "whatever your new car, so you would have it easier to reach your work and come home on time to spent with me as much as possible."

"Haan Good boy. Let's check the car." Ragini went out and they followed her.

DP and Shekhar were looking at the car, "not bad Laksh you have chosen it wisely."

AP and Janki were also happy, "also good for shopping."

Laksh was having other plans. He bought their a van with lots of space for their future children.

Ragini pouts, "I wanted a capriole or a Ferrari."

"I can change the color in red." Laksh said as it was black car.

"Okay done." Ragini said and they went inside for their breakfast, they spent the time together with the family and were happy having them around.


Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now