Surprise 🤭

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Recap: Laksh got a pic of Ragini n lost himself in her. Ragini felt the same. Their meeting remained Unfilled.

Laksh couldn't sleep he was holding the pic of Ragini in his hand. One hand of his was behind his head as a pillow. Oh wow u r so beautiful n innocent... he took the pic close to his lips n kisses it. Damn I'm so happy but now I'm also so unhappy I couldn't meet u... He fall asleep holding her pic close to his chest next to his heart.

Ragini woke up with a smile on her face Laksh picture was working as her pillow as if she was sleeping close to his chest. She was happy abt the choice of her parents she was having a feeling for restlessness... what is going on with me? I have learnt the whole night I fall asleep did I miss something?...

She went to the washroom n come out after changing she wasn't sure what to wear as Lakshya is coming to meet her... she was looking into her wardrobe n searching for the right clothes. I can't wear this I will look too shy... hmm this? No too modern... uff it's so difficult to match his choice...

She just took a shalwar Khameez which she likes to wear n come down. Still her heart felt restless...

Janki was serving Shekhar the food. "Maa..?". She hugs her from back. Janki places her head on Ragini's. "Laado here eat ur breakfast. Then u have to leave!". Ragini shies. "Haan Maa". She sat down n starts to have her breakfast but the restlessness didn't left her.

Janki was looking at her. How should I tell her that he can't come n meet her... she will be heartbroken. But I can't let her think the will come. "Laado... Laksh can't make it! He was abt to come last night but u were sleeping I refuse him to come!". Ragini looked up from her plate. "Oh..?". She felt a light pain in her heart... it was aching. Y doesn't he wanted to meet me?.

She left the house with her restlessness... with an unfinished plate...

Somewhere else...

*Grrrrg* Laksh y didn't u eat something even a small bite wouldn't have killed u or delayed u. Now u r here waiting for her with an empty stomach... how embarrassing if it growls in front of her... No!.

He was looking out of the car window. When she come on her scooter. Nice independent!.

Ragini stood off the scooter n parked it correctly. She didn't looked out but her heartbeat increases. What is this y does my heartbeat races like this...?.

He stood off his car n was standing in front of her. She stares at him as if she is looking at a ghost. Laksh smiles n she shies.

Laksh comes closer. Both were lost into each other. The bell rings n they come out of their trance. Ragini startled. "My class?". Laksh was lost in her melodic voice. "Sorry!". She lowered her gaze n was abt to leave. He held her wrist...

Both felt a current passing through their bodies. She slowly turns to him... he was tying a talisman in her wrist...

"My mom gave it me when I left for America

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"My mom gave it me when I left for America. She said it will keep me away from evil n will help me in my toughest time! I know u r in stress n I think u didn't slept well. But I hope u will pass the exams!".

He loses his grip on her hand n another bell... she smiles n left with reddish cheeks...

Laksh smiles he looks at his hand. So soft hands.... 😊. I don't want to lose her...

Ragini's restlessness was gone. Her fear was gone but her reddishness on her face was still visible. She wrote the exam looking at her wrist. He has rough hands, a man hand.

Soon she come home only staring at her wrist, she ignores everyone n was in her room. She closed the door n falls on the bed taking out the picture which was hidden underneath her pillow. Laksh Thank U...!.

Laksh arrived his hotel but he wasn't happy. He was far away from his new happiness...

Oh Ragini u don't know what I would do to see u now

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Oh Ragini u don't know what I would do to see u now... a pic is not enough..

Ragini was learning for the next exam... she pouts..

I'm tired of learning I don't want to learn I want to smile I want to forget the stress

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I'm tired of learning I don't want to learn I want to smile I want to forget the stress... she remembers the smile of Laksh...😍

Ring ring ring ring.....

Ragini got out of her thought as her mobile was ringing continuously. She again pouts starting to curse the one on the other Line.

She picked up her phone in her hand n saw the Caller ID 'Unknown number'.

Who is this now? I won't pick up what if it's a stalker or a representatives. But who will call me at this time? Maybe a wrong no. I have to inform the person...

She picked up the call.

A voice. "Hello Ragini...? U there?".

Ragini was speechless

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Ragini was speechless... but somehow she managed to speak... "L... La... Laksh...

Please Ragini please I beg on u.. call me... Laksh Ji...

Ragini was breathing heavily. "Laksh ji aap?".

Laksh was beyond happiness. He made a winning fist...

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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now